Jan 2, 2012

The Clinton Administration tried to dismantle the military

Reasons to agree:

  1. Clinton decreased military personnel by 500,000.

  2. Clinton decreased military spending by about $50 billion a year.

  3. Under Clinton the U.S. Army lost four active divisions.

  4. Under Clinton the U.S. Army lost two reserve divisions.

  5. Under Clinton the U.S. Navy lost almost 80 ships.

  6. Under Clinton the U.S. Air Force saw its active personnel decrease by 30 percent.

  7. Under Clinton the Marines' personnel dropped by 22,000.

  8. We need more troops than we have in order to win a war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is about the size of Military that we should have. Weather Bush 1, Clinton, or Bush 2 were right or wrong in their actions in Iraq, we need to have the capacity to win the war that Bush 2 tried to fight. It was wrong for the Clinton administration to dismantle the military.


Probable interest of those who agree:

  1. Making it look like Bill Clinton was a bad president, so that independents won't vote for democrats in the future.

Probable interest of those who disagree:

  1. Making it look like Bill Clinton was good president, so that independents will vote for democrats in the future.

Books That agree

  1. Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security, By Robert Patterson

  2. Reckless Disregard: By Robert Patterson

  3. Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years; By Richard Lowry

  4. High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton; By Ann Coulter

  5. Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash; By Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett, William Triplett, II

    # of reasons to agree: 8

    # of reasons to disagree: -0

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

    Books that agree: 5

    Total Idea Score: 13

    Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change

    1 comment:

    1. And then we went to undeclared war over false pretenses, spending trillions wastelfully, as we deteriorated domestically. It is amazing we have survived 8 years post Clinton but are recovering slowly after massive damage and near collapse.
