Jun 3, 2007


Taken from a Tim McNabb article and modified for Mitt Romney

One of the chronic with the Bush Administration is that the President is insufficiently vindictive to deal with the enemies of this republic, both foreign and domestic. President Bush is often nicer to his enemies than he is to his friends.

Mitt Romney, however, strikes me as a guy who can be a really mean SOB, a man not to be crossed.

I am a social conservative, and I try to be a good practitioner of Christianity (with varying degrees of success; please don't blame Jesus for my failures). Admiring vindictive SOBs may strike the casual observer as a contradiction, but as it says in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for peace, and a time for war. Spite for the sake of spite is a vice, but if an opponent has proven itself to be unwilling to accept the carrot, a stick is necessary. Failure to apply the stick in that situation is no virtue. Spare the rod, spoil the liberal, to misuse holy writ.

Romney may be just the SOB to be president.

I offer the following pre-written speech from which he is welcome to crib without attribution.

It is no secret that the Governor of Massachusetts will have social sensibilities that do not mesh with those of other great cities. Every region has an organic nature where like minded folk gather, live and work. If you like the economic, social, and cultural opportunities which Massachusetts provides you can live their even if you are a conservative. You have heard me say before that "Being a conservative Republican in Massachusetts is a bit like being a cattle rancher at a vegetarian convention." But I like the place. We've lived here now 35 years, raised all five of our sons here, and paid a mountain of taxes here. If you prefer a different pace, a different proclivity, our great nation is filled with hometowns, each with its own sense of community, each unique in its own way.

But don't judge me by my state or my religion. Massachusetts and Mormon conjure up images of Harvard educated sissies, or effiminent Ken Jennings or Donny Osmand types. In fact some people think that Rudy Giuliani is the only SOB in this race. He is not. Just ask Willie Bulger and Matthew Amorello.


Or go hear for some cold hearted decisions that I made for the greater good.


I am tough enough to make the difficult decision, even when it is not popular. Like standing up against the protest in Massachusetts, and standing up for the rights of children to have a mother and a father. Taking Massachusetts from 3 highway departments down to 2, 2 parks departments down to 1, and eliminating hundreds of state jobs.

Refusing to play games, when democrats act like children:


"I'm proud to be from Massachusetts where John Kerry will be the junior senator until 2008. You see, I don't believe Senator Kerry is the leader our country needs. I respect his four months under enemy fire in Vietnam. It's John Kerry's record in his nearly 40 years since Vietnam that's the question. Study that record.

If you want someone who voted for tax hikes 98 times, send in John Kerry. If you think trial lawyers need more money, our economy needs more law suits, and malpractice costs should go even higher, then send in John Edwards with him.

And if you think that during the great national policy debate of the 1980's, Ronald Reagan was wrong and Ted Kennedy was right, then by all means send in John Kerry.

ROMNEY: Senator Kerry now tells us he has a clear position on the war on terror. He voted no on Desert Storm in 1991 and yes on Desert Shield today. Then he voted no on troop funding, just after he'd voted yes. He's campaigned against the war all year, but says he'd vote yes today.

This nation can't afford presidential leadership that comes in 57 varieties."

Gov. Romney on Sen. Clinton's Iran Strategy

I'll come back to this more later...