Jan 11, 2007

Romney is a conservative on marriage

Romney is a conservative on marriage.

Reasons to agree

  1. Romney is the only viable presidential candidate to not have "upgraded" once he made it to the big time.
  2. 01-21-2004, Romney details mandatory parental prep plan
  3. 02-11-2004, Romney statements regarding constitutional convention
  4. 02-24-2004, Statements of Governor Romney on the Federal Marriage Amendment
  5. 03-12-2004, Statements of Governor Mitt Romney on Constitutional Convention
  6. 06-22-2004, "Preserving Traditional Marriage: A View from the States"
  7. 04-20-2006, Romney announces award of abstinence education contract
  8. 05-31-2006, Romney files bill to promote parental responsibility

Romney is a conservative

These are beliefs that I have worked a little bit on (during my lunch break).
  1. Romney is conservative on abortion.
  2. Romney is a conservative on abstinence education .
  3. Romney is a conservative on English immersion .
  4. Romney is a conservative on schools.
  5. Romney is a conservative on school choice .
  6. Romney is a conservative on the family .

  7. Romney is a conservative on abstinence education .

These are some beliefs that I am going to work on tonight after my kid goes to sleep.
Please help me find other issues that determine if someone is a "conservative" or not.