Oct 10, 2010

Parents who love their children cannot afford to be intimidated by them

  1. Your job, as a parent, isn't to let children learn from their own mistakes, but to protect them while they are young from setting bad habits, and to try to get them to learn from other people's mistakes.

  2. Children might not be aware they are in danger.

  3. Children are stupid adults.

  4. Children are children.

  5. You can destroy your life, if you get trapped in drugs, alcohol, or unhealthy sexual relationships.

  6. People who are intimidated will defer, and you should not defer to children on important things.

  1. You can't control your children. Children are going to eventually make up their own minds and so you should let them learn from their own mistakes.

# of reasons to agree: 5
# of reasons to disagree: -0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0
# of reasons to disagree with reasons to agree: 0
Total Idea Score: 5

Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change.

Sleepovers are bad

Reasons to agree
  1. Too many youth try alcohol for the first time at a sleepover.
  2. Too many youth try tobacco for the first time at a sleepover.
  3. Too many youth have their first exposure to pornography at a sleepover.
  4. Peer pressure becomes more powerful when our children are away from our influence.
  5. Our defenses are weakened late at night.
# of reasons to agree: 5
# of reasons to disagree: -0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0
# of reasons to disagree with reasons to agree: 0
Total Idea Score: 5

Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change.

(+5) Families should spend time together once a week

  1. Parenting is rewarding if you do a good job.

  2. Children need a good relationship with their parent.

  3. Families that play together stay together.

  4. If you don't make it a goal to do every week, it will not get done.

  5. If you have time to watch TV you have time to spend with your family.

# of reasons to agree: 5
# of reasons to disagree: -0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0
# of reasons to disagree with reasons to agree: 0
Total Idea Score: 5

Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change.