Apr 21, 2011

There are too many historical problems with the book of Mormon to say that it is "true"

  1. We are able to find many manuscripts from the New Testaments that can be dated back to within 100 years of the life of Christ. Old Testament manuscripts go back further. The lack of evidence to support the Book of Mormon is problematic. 

  2. The reference to Horses in the Book of Mormon, proves that the Book of Mormon is not true. Horses are mentioned fourteen times in the Book of Mormon, and are portrayed as an integral part of the cultures described, however Horses were brought to the Caribbean by Christopher Columbus in 1493, and to the American continent by Cortés in 1519.


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    There are too many historical problems with the book of Mormon to say that it is "true"


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      There are many competing LDS churches, and so if the Book of Mormon is true it still does not indicate that any one LDS Church is true. +1

      1. Just because the book of Mormon is true does not mean that there is still a Church on the earth that is guided by God. There have been a lot of changes in Doctrine in the LDS church from the time of Joseph Smith. 


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      Total Idea Score: 1

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      The Book of Mormon is True -9

      Background Context and Assumptions

      By true I mean that it really was somewhat inspired by God. That the stories in the Book of Mormon happened pretty much the way they are written, except if Joseph Smith made some of it up, if he was having a bad day, but in general most of it is true.

      As you see, I am trying to present both sides, and go where the algorithm takes me, but don't tell me that everything in the Bible is 100% true, and non contradictory. Were there two angels or 3 at the Tomb? Which version of Jesus's ancestry was accurate? What about all the other differences between the Gosples. There are hundreds if not Thousands.

      No one on this planet who is smart accepts that every single word in the Book of Mormon or Bible are 100% accurate.

      Reasons to agree (that the Book of Mormon is "true"): +5

      1. It is acceptable to define true as inspiring.+0 If you define true as inspiring, you can say the Book of Mormon is true. 

      2. The theory that the Book of Mormon is an ancient American history is deemed to fall outside the pale of academic credibility. 

      3. If you ask God if the Book of Mormon is true, and you are righteous, he will tell you that it is by giving you a comforting warm feeling.  

      4. A man will get nearer to God by abiding by the Book of Mormon's precepts than by any other book.

      1. The book of Mormon contains too many 19th century points of view to be what it claims to be: an ancient text. 

      2. There are too many historical problems with the book of Mormon to say that it is "true". -11

      3. The Book of Mormon has so many problems with it, that personal belief that God told that it is true must be inaccurate. 

      4. A warm and fuzzy feeling when reading or praying about the Book of Mormon should not be taken as evidence of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon unless individually you have weighed the problems of the historicity of the book. 

      5. There are not enough inspiring stories in the Book of Mormon to think that God would go to all the problem of bringing it forward. 

        # of reasons to agree: 4

        # of reasons to disagree: -5

        # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +2

        # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -11

        Total Idea Score: -10

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        1. The Book of Mormon is True, and so the LDS church is true. 

        2. Joseph Smith was inspired, and so the LDS church is true. 

        3. Joseph smith's motivations were pure

        4. If you say that Joseph Smith was evil, then you have to say that many of the Popes were evil

        1. LDS Church leaders have made too many contradicting statements for the Church to be true. 

        2. LDS leaders claim to have God's authority when they tell people what to do, however they claim they never said they were infallible when they want to change their minds

        3. Joseph Smith lied about the Book of Abraham

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          LDS church leaders shouldn't claim they are prophets without giving any prophecies


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            LDS Prophets have not prophesied anything important +2

            Brigham Young believed that the moon and sun were inhabited.

            1. "Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?...when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 13, p. 271)


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            Many LDS Church leaders were chauvinistic

            (2) The LDS church creates psychology problems in the lives of its members

            1. Many people in the LDS church feel guilt when they do not keep all the commandments. None of them sound too bad by themselves but the list complete list is impossible. For any of the The Church will say "look at all that Jesus did for you, and you can't even do x". But that trump card doesn't lead to good lives. We don't all have to be a martyrs. You shouldn't sacrifice your life for a Church that is not going to sacrifice for you. But the church doesn't addresses the thorny issues of its past, apologizes for them, or fixes them. The LDS church tells its member to do all the things other Christians do plus:

              1. Striving for earthly perfection

              2. Genealogy

              3. Temple Work

              4. Having lots of Children

              5. Home teaching

              6. Visiting Teaching

              7. Giving Talks in Church

              8. Church callings including bishopric, teaching classes, Sunday schools, etc

            2. Telling people that Masturbation is wrong, creates guilt for a normal behavior, and guilt often leads to addiction, and perversion. 

            3. The LDS church does not work well for people with social anxiety. 

            1.  The LDS Church works well for people that fit into the culture. 

            2. People in Utah seem pretty happy

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              # of reasons to agree: 3

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              Total Idea Score: 0

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