Jan 2, 2012

Jihadism is this century’s nightmare

Reasons to agree:

  1. Jihadist are the only people who would use a nuclear weapon against a democratic country. +1

  2. Jihadist threaten the future of the middle east. 

  3. A nuclear weapon would destroy men, women, children.

  4. Jihadist are the only people currently advocating genocide. 

  5. A modern nuclear weapon would make land un-usable for thousands of years.

  6. Some of the people who die from Alcohol, are just killing themselves. Those who would be killed from a nuclear bomb, would be mostly innocent.

  7. There can be more than one nightmare. China could go bad, but Jihadism is more likely to.

  8. Jihadist could start a war with Pakistan.

  9. Jihadist are killing and displacing thousands in Africa.

  10. Jihadist have exploded transportation in the United States, Spain, and England.

  11. Jihadist are trying to take over Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. They are a significant force in Syria.

  12. Many Jihadist deny the Holocaust.

  13. Many Jihadist want to destroy Israel.

  14. There is no force on the planet, not communism or anything else, that unifies people with so much hatred as Jihadism.

  15. Ana says; "Everyone should educate themselves on Islam, its history and on the radical element. One will find that whenever Muslims gain political power all non-Muslims are second class citizens unless they convert. Often Jews and Christians are killed as part of gaining power. Sharia law is every Judeo-Christian's, and other non-Mulsims nightmare. In fact, what is occuring is the demise of the American experiment, with its reliance on the Natural Law and Judeo-Christian, Greek Roman heritage by the influx of too, many immigrants too fast, multi-culturalism and secularism. May God have mercy on those of us who forget this great gift to the human race and who do nothing to defend it."

  1. Alcohol is a bigger problem for America than terrorism. +7

  2. The collapse of the American family is a bigger problem than terrorism

    At a later date, the reasons, books, and web-pages will be given a score. They will then contribute a percentage of a point to the overall idea score, based on their individual score. Below are the total number of:

    Reasons to agree: +15

    Reasons to disagree: -2

    Reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +1, -7

    Books that agree: +0 

    Books that disagree: -0

    Web-pages that agree: -0 

    Web-pages that disagree: -0

    Total Idea Score: 7

    Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason (argument, movie, book, webpage, etc) to agree or disagree.

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