Mar 18, 2007

Guns and the Media and Flips

I have compiled the truth on Mitt Romney's Gun Policy. I don't mean to sound arrogant. It wasn't that hard. I just found all of Romney's quotes and actions on the issue of Gun Control, and put them in context. I let you read the record, from the raw press releases, and decide for yourself. If the media was interested in finding the truth, they would link to this information. But they are not interested in finding the truth. They are interested in creating a boxing match and charging admission to see the fights. I have seen about 5 talking heads on Fox News say that Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on gun. I thought they reported, and let us decide? But no. They have decided for us. We are too stupid to think for ourselves. Why not check out his gun control policy and decide for yourself if he has flip-flopped.