Jan 2, 2012

Books that agree?

We should allow users to suggest books as reasons to agree or disagree with an idea. 

If these books were used as data points and were associated as reasons to agree or disagree with a conclusion, we could use an algorithm to lend strength to an idea based on the books strength. Data is readily available from Amazon or E-bay or the New York Times best selling list of how well a book has sold.

So there would be three fields. One place where you submit the item that agrees or disagrees with the original idea. The second field would let you classify the object. Is it a book, a website, or simply alogical argument. The third field would be a place where the user explains why he thinks the book supports the conclusion that he/she has come to. Of course, people would be allowed to vote weather or not the book actually does support the side that the original user said that it would.

This is where the algorithm could get very sophisticated. Would you want to give more credibility to those who said they had actually read the book? Would you want to give even more credibility to those who had bought the book, as more proof that they actually read the book. Or how about people that used the website mediachest and could prove that they have the book, by the fact that they have let others use the book. What about people who wrote an essay on the book on the website. If Google was doing this, they could provide a place for users to write essays on books, similar to howAmazon lets users write essays. Perhaps they could not let people copy and paste essays into the form. It would only allow people to type their essays directly, to prevent stealing of essays. Perhaps people could vote on weather the book-essays were good or not similar to how Amazon lets users rate reviews, as to weather the review was "helpful" or not.

So, as an example, you could submit a best selling book as a reason to agree with an idea, and then right a thoroughly convincing explanation of why this book agrees with the idea, and an essay that proves that you understand the main points of the book.

If Google really wants to organize the worlds information, they must do this. We have plenty of books, we have plenty of content on the internet. We need ways of organizing this information into what it all means, and how all this information should affect us. The only good way information can affect us, is for it to help us make better decisions. In order for us to make better decisions, we must know all of the reasons to agree or disagree with a particular course of action. In order to do this, we should not start at ground zero, with only our own thoughts in our head. We should bring together all of thegreat thinkers from the ages from every corner of the planet, and organize all of their great thoughts, so that we can make the right decisions.

As you can see, this algorithm could be very simple, but it could also offer programmers hundreds of years of challenges to make it more sophisticated. I believe this is a strength of the idea, because it allows for continual improvement.

We should encourage users to propose books as materials that substantiate or refute an idea. 

These books, when correlated with either agreement or disagreement towards a given stance, can serve as data points in fortifying the weight of an idea via an algorithmic approach. This concept capitalizes on the readily accessible data from platforms like [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/), [eBay](https://www.ebay.com/), or the [New York Times best-selling list](https://www.nytimes.com/books/best-sellers/), showcasing the popularity or sales of a particular book.

The process comprises three parts: submission, classification, and explanation. Firstly, users submit an item that either supports or opposes the original idea. Secondly, they classify the nature of the item, identifying whether it is a book, website, or a logical argument. Lastly, they elaborate on why they believe this item buttresses the conclusion they've drawn. We must permit the voting process where others can judge whether the book genuinely supports the position suggested by the original user.

From here, we can delve into a more advanced algorithmic level. We could consider granting more credibility to users claiming they've read the book or providing even greater credibility to those who have purchased it, serving as additional evidence of reading. Users registered on platforms like [MediaChest](https://www.mediachest.com/), validating their possession of the book by sharing it with others, could also earn higher credibility. The depth of user interaction, such as writing an essay about the book, can further contribute to credibility. If [Google](https://www.google.com/) were to facilitate this, they could offer users a platform for book-related essays, much like [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/) allows users to review. To deter plagiarism, we could restrict users from pasting essays into the form, requiring direct typing. Furthermore, we could incorporate a voting system for the quality of book-essays, similar to Amazon's "helpful" review ratings.

For example, you could propose a best-selling book as an argument in favor of an idea, supplemented with a compelling explanation of the book's agreement and an essay evidencing comprehension of the book's key points.

If Google is committed to organizing the world's information, this is an essential step. We have an abundance of books and online content; our challenge lies in curating this information to draw meaningful conclusions influencing us. This information should ideally guide us in making better decisions. To make well-informed decisions, we need to understand all reasons to agree or disagree with a particular course of action. Rather than starting from scratch with our ideas, we should amalgamate the thoughts of profound thinkers throughout history and across the globe, organizing these insights to assist us in making the right choices.

This algorithmic approach could begin as a simple idea but offers the potential for continual development and sophistication, presenting a century-long challenge for programmers. This adaptability and scope for enhancement is a strength, as it paves the way for ceaseless improvement.

The Clinton Administration tried to dismantle the military

Reasons to agree:

  1. Clinton decreased military personnel by 500,000.

  2. Clinton decreased military spending by about $50 billion a year.

  3. Under Clinton the U.S. Army lost four active divisions.

  4. Under Clinton the U.S. Army lost two reserve divisions.

  5. Under Clinton the U.S. Navy lost almost 80 ships.

  6. Under Clinton the U.S. Air Force saw its active personnel decrease by 30 percent.

  7. Under Clinton the Marines' personnel dropped by 22,000.

  8. We need more troops than we have in order to win a war in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is about the size of Military that we should have. Weather Bush 1, Clinton, or Bush 2 were right or wrong in their actions in Iraq, we need to have the capacity to win the war that Bush 2 tried to fight. It was wrong for the Clinton administration to dismantle the military.


Probable interest of those who agree:

  1. Making it look like Bill Clinton was a bad president, so that independents won't vote for democrats in the future.

Probable interest of those who disagree:

  1. Making it look like Bill Clinton was good president, so that independents will vote for democrats in the future.

Books That agree

  1. Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security, By Robert Patterson

  2. Reckless Disregard: By Robert Patterson

  3. Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years; By Richard Lowry

  4. High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton; By Ann Coulter

  5. Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash; By Edward Timperlake, William C. Triplett, William Triplett, II

    # of reasons to agree: 8

    # of reasons to disagree: -0

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

    Books that agree: 5

    Total Idea Score: 13

    Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change

    Nov 15, 2011

    We should decouple health insurance from employment

    Reasons to agree

    1. You shouldn't loose your health insurance just because you loose your job.

    2. There is no logical reason to provide health insurance through your employer. It was just done as a loophole to get around rules during WWII that stooped increases in salary.  

    3. Healthcare as an employment benefit keeps you from comparing apples to apples when you compare jobs. Some companies don't make you pay very much for health insurance. Other make you pay a lot.

    4. Health insurance as an employment benefit keeps people from going into different jobs because they are afraid of loosing insurance. 

    5. When healthcare is connected to employment, employers only want to employ young healthy employees, because they end up footing the bill of the health insurance. If you had insurance as an individual, and tax incentives were restructured so it was just as cheap to get it as an individual, you would already have your insurance, and their would be one less reason to not hire an older individual. 

    6. It encourages employers to push their married employees onto their spouse's heal insurance. 

    7. Workers in low paying jobs have no health insurance. Workers in high paying jobs of super expensive health insurance. So most of the pre-tax benefit goes to the wealthy. This could be restructured in a way so that instead of benefiting people proportionally to how expensive the insurance is, and tying it to your income, the insurance benefit could come to individuals separate from their employer. 


    Probable interest of those who agree:

    Probable interest of those who disagree:

    Common Interest

    Opposing Interest

    Videos That agree


    Videos That disagree


    Website that agree

    Websites that disagree


    Related arguments:


    People that agree:

    1. Robert B. Reich

      # of reasons to agree: 1

      # of reasons to disagree: -0

      # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

      # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

      Total Idea Score: 1

      Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change

      Nov 14, 2011

      Each state should be responsible for caring for their own uninsured

      Reasons to agree:

      1. Citizens of Ohio and Florida shouldn't have to pay health insurance for people from Texas. 


      Probable interest of those who agree:

      Probable interest of those who disagree:

      Common Interest

      Opposing Interest

      Videos That agree


      Videos That disagree


      Website that agree

      Websites that disagree


      Related arguments:

        # of reasons to agree: 1

        # of reasons to disagree: -0

        # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

        # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

        Total Idea Score: 1

        Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change

        Nov 12, 2011

        The federal government should not spend money to fix housing

        Reasons to agree

        1. Government should not try to fix prices. Government should not try and say people's houses are not expensive enough. Government should let those who want to buy a house determine how much a house should be worth. Government can try spur innovation as far as smart grown, but it can't buy all the foreclosed homes.

        2. Government created a housing bubble when they made laws that forced banks to lend money to people who couldn't afford them. 

        3. Some efforts by states my be justifiable in promoting affordable housing, but the Federal States are best at trying to promote affordable housing. 

        4. Government should try to promote affordable housing, not try to raise.

        5. State Governments can do precise actions to offset infrastructure and education expenses, but should not do clumsy nationwide expensive approaches.

        6. State Government should free up unused public property at times to free up housing property, to support affordable housing, but Government shouldn't try to make homes more expensive just to keep people from loosing money, because after Government burns the money, the home will eventually reach market value, no matter how much money we burn. 

        7. If sprawl causes government to spend more money per person, Government can use the estimated money they would by stopping sprawl, to promote smart growth. 

        8. State governments could use money they use for the homeless to try and create long term housing solutions. Some local governments put homeless people in hotels. If state governments want to be nice, they should also be smart. Perhaps government could build a home for the same price they spend putting homeless people in hotels. 

        9. One of the few things state governments should do to promote affordable housing, is make it easier to build houses in places that have no affordable housing. 

        10. States that have no affordable housing, can try to promote mixed income housing, so poor people don't have to drive hours and hours just to get to rich places where jobs are. 


        Probable interest of those who agree:

        Probable interest of those who disagree:

        Common Interest

        Opposing Interest

        Videos That agree


        Videos That disagree


        Website that agree

        Websites that disagree


        Related arguments:

          # of reasons to agree: 1

          # of reasons to disagree: -0

          # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

          # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

          Total Idea Score: 1

          Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change

          Nov 10, 2011

          We should allow "Italy to fail" if not letting them fail means giving them bail outs

          Reasons to agree:

          1. The concept of Italy failing is ridiculous. This isn't a game with winners and looserItaly may be less successful, or more successful but it probably be more successful than 1/2 of this planet's countries. They are more successful than most countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. If we are supposed to rescue Italy, we should probably rescue the rest of the world first. 

          2. Italy isn't helping us in Afghanistan, why should we help them? 

            1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Security_Assistance_Force

          3. Greece isn't helping us much in Afghanistan. Why should we help them?

            1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Security_Assistance_Force

          4. They have the capacity to deal with that themselves. 

          5. We shouldn't try to do impossible things. It is impossible for the United States Government to make another large economy successful. 

            1. Italy is a very large economy. 

            2. We should bail out California before we bail out Italy. And there is no reason for farmers in North Dakota to pay for healthcare benefits of people living in San Fransico, let alone a country that looks down on us from the otherside of the planet. 

          6. Europe is able to take care of their own problems. 

            1. Those who would be hurt most if Italy fails, should give the most.

            2. Europe is able to help Europe.

            3. We would help if we could, but we got our own problems.

              1. If we stay on the course we're on, with the level of borrowing this administration is carrying out, if we don't get serious about cutting and capping our spending and balancing our budget, you're going to find America in the same position Italy is in four or five years from now, and that is unacceptable. We got to fix our deficit here.

            4. We with WWI, and WWII. They will have to do this alone. 

            5. Some Europeans resented our help in the past. 

            6. We should avoid foreign entanglements. 

          7. Those who say we shouldn't let them fail, are implying that we should bail out their banks or government. 

          8. Efficient capitalism requires fair competition. When people are competing with money, those who fail should not be given more money. If those who don't deserve to be given money, keep getting more money, then those those who should be trusted with money will have less. If no one can fail: bad behavior is rewarded until more people fail. 

          1.  It feels good to give people things! Maybe they will like us! :) :)

          2. It's not like we don't have money?!

          3. Government is the perfect way to feel good about giving people stuff! You get all the self righteousness of saying we should be nice, and don't ever have to realize that you have to pay for it in taxes. And if your one of the lucky 55% of people in this country, you might never have to pay taxes! So why not give money to Italy! You won't have to pay for it! As long as you make slightly less than average, you won't have to pay a penny!

          Probable interest of those who agree:

          Probable interest of those who disagree:

          Common Interest

          Opposing Interest

          Videos That agree


          Videos That disagree


          Website that agree

          Websites that disagree


          Related arguments:

            # of reasons to agree: 8

            # of reasons to disagree: -0

            # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

            # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

            Total Idea Score: 1

            Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change