Showing posts with label Romney Sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romney Sex. Show all posts

May 10, 2007

What other presidential candidate has been asked this question?

"When asked whether they broke the strict church rule against premarital sex, Romney says,..."

The problem with the main stream media is not that they are left, or right, but that they are so incredibly stupid. How exactly, without meaning to get into doctrine, is the LDS religion any more "strict" with regard to premarital sex than any other religion?

No presidential candidate until now, as far as I know, has been asked this question. The main stream media no longer deserves to be taken seriously.

I remember when people looked down on MTV for asking if Bill Clinton wore boxers or briefs...

Most people have sex before they are married. This question is a way for the MSM to point out that Mitt Romney is different than most people. "He is not like you and me", they point out as often as they can. He is different. He is from a minority. And people from this minority happen to be on the wrong side of the political isle, according to the MSM.

Until the MSM starts treating ALL minorities with as much respect, I am going to keep calling them bigots.

Listening to Rush today he was discussing Al Sharpton, and Romney, and discussing how people are sissies today.

U2 said:

And you can dream - so dream out loud
You know that your time is coming round
So don't let the bastards grind you down

You shouldn't let bigotry drag you down. You should be tough. You shouldn't carry around grudges. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for equality.

The more you learn about liberals, and the media, the more you learn they don't care at all about equality.

For instance, at work, I was listening to a co-worker saying how he hates all organized religion. Could a Christian at work get away with saying he hates atheist? Could Al Sharpton get away with being a bigot, and a hypocrite? Could the media treat someone from a religious minority differently?

No. Yes. Yes, and Yes.

~ Mike