Showing posts with label Romney Marrage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romney Marrage. Show all posts

Nov 29, 2006

"Mitt Romney stokes homophobia"?

Mitt Romney stokes homophobia?

People keep saying that Mitt Romney is a Bigot or a Homophobe, but they don't say why. They never give quotes or example of things that he has done that were bigoted or homophobic.

Here is a good example.

Romney has said:

"This is a subject about which people have tender emotions in part because it touches individual lives. It also has been misused by some as a means to promote intolerance and prejudice. This is a time when we must fight hate and bigotry, when we must root out prejudice, when we must learn to accept people who are different from one another. Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians."
- Governor Mitt Romney, 06-22-2004 Press Release

Then the other side keeps saying that he won't stand up for traditional marriage, and that his position has changed as he has started his run for president. These people are not very interested in truth. Romney's position has been the same from the beginning. When he ran for governor in 2002, Romney declared his opposition to both same-sex marriage and civil unions. "Call me old fashioned, but I don't support gay marriage nor do I support civil union," said Romney in an October 2002 gubernatorial debate.

He did not change his position because he wanted to be president. His position has always been the same. People on both sides are going to beat up on him. People on the right will hate Romney because he acknowledges that there is some bigotry towards gays, and because he calls for equal treatment. People on the left will call him a fascist because he puts the desires of children to have a mother and a father above the rights of adults. Both sides are wrong.