Nov 29, 2006

"Mitt Romney stokes homophobia"?

Mitt Romney stokes homophobia?

People keep saying that Mitt Romney is a Bigot or a Homophobe, but they don't say why. They never give quotes or example of things that he has done that were bigoted or homophobic.

Here is a good example.

Romney has said:

"This is a subject about which people have tender emotions in part because it touches individual lives. It also has been misused by some as a means to promote intolerance and prejudice. This is a time when we must fight hate and bigotry, when we must root out prejudice, when we must learn to accept people who are different from one another. Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians."
- Governor Mitt Romney, 06-22-2004 Press Release

Then the other side keeps saying that he won't stand up for traditional marriage, and that his position has changed as he has started his run for president. These people are not very interested in truth. Romney's position has been the same from the beginning. When he ran for governor in 2002, Romney declared his opposition to both same-sex marriage and civil unions. "Call me old fashioned, but I don't support gay marriage nor do I support civil union," said Romney in an October 2002 gubernatorial debate.

He did not change his position because he wanted to be president. His position has always been the same. People on both sides are going to beat up on him. People on the right will hate Romney because he acknowledges that there is some bigotry towards gays, and because he calls for equal treatment. People on the left will call him a fascist because he puts the desires of children to have a mother and a father above the rights of adults. Both sides are wrong.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    He is wrong on the issue of gay marriage and civil unions. He can't have it both ways. You either support gay rights in every aspect from equal employment opportunities to equal marriage rights or he doesn't.

    How can people defend marriage like it's some Godly thing when you have people like Kevin Federline and Britney Spears, or the high divorce rate? Just because you are straight doesn't mean you will be a good parent.

    In any case, just because a country allows gay marriage or civil unions , does not mean that country will have a flood gate of gays marrying. Just look at the statistics of countries like Canada or Holland.

    I stand by the notion that if you are against gay rights and under that umbrella is gay marriage, then you are inherently prejudice. Doesn't mean you will use a homophobic slur, but inside you have hateful feelings. I have a strong feeling he would go ballistic if he found out any of his kids were gay.

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Of all the studies out there on whether having gay parents adversely affect children - in the wrong way - they have concluded with the answer "No!"

    If you happen to have gay parents, that does not mean you will be gay or that you will have a bad experience. It all depends on the parents you have.

    I am not prejudice, just because I disagree with your notion that two heterosexual parents are the best for children and should be the norm. Most people do not live in a nuclear family, with two parents.

    The rights you receive with a marriage liscense are so great, why not give them to all people of age? To say gay people can't have that right is discriminatory. If Mitt is for gay rights, he should also support gay marriage. He can't have it both way, or he'll come off as a hypocrite.

    "In trying to give equality to homosexual parents, you take equality away from children."

    Really? How do you come to that conclusion? Where is your proof? Your reasoning in that paragraph is absolutely wrong and goes against most viable studies on the subject.

    I'm not gay, but I happen to be African and it burns my skin to hear people, especially people of my race spit out homophobic slurs. It boggles my mind how blacks despise it when the N word is used but turn around and it's okay to call a gay person a bad name. That is why I am against discrimination.

    I can't say if Mitt is a homophobe, but I believe he is fooling himself to think he is truly for gay rights, when he opposes even civil union!

    Why does he oppose that? Can you tell me his reasoning on that? That word marriage isn't used, so it protects tradional marriage and it has nowhere near the amount of rights a marriage licence has, yet he opposes it!

    Again, if America allows gay marriage or civil unions, it does not mean millions of gays will get married. And most gay people don't even want children. It's all about the rights given to them when marriage is allowed.

    If you can, read up on the horror stories of gay couples who have been together for decades, but when one got sick and in the hospital, the other wasn't allowed to see them or how some people lose their homes and assests after their partner dies.

    In any case, I'm glad I read your post. I don't think you are some horrible person. And I hope you don't think that of me.

    If I was gay, I'd totally hate you! Just kidding. I live in Canada, and what I love about North America is that freedom of speech (USA) and freedom of expression (Canada) are protected.

    Good luck to your country regarding the Iraq war. Hopefully it will get better. And maybe one day Americans can travel around the world without having to put a Canadian flag on their backpacks!

    * I am Muslim. I unfortunatly don't practice it. So for me to have this opinion of gay people is rare. Are you Christian? Is that why you oppose gay marriage or why Mitt does?

    If you can anwser that question, please tell me where in the bible does it talk or even vaguely mention homosexuality.

