Showing posts with label My critisism of the media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My critisism of the media. Show all posts

Jun 25, 2007

Chris Cillizza embarrasses himself with his logic, but comes to the right conclusion

Mitt Romney

1. Mitt Romney: The former Massachusetts governor takes over the top spot on The Line for the first time this cycle. Why? Because his strength in Iowa led both former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain to back out of the state GOP's straw poll set for this summer; because he appears headed for another first- or second-place finish in the money chase; and because he continues to withstand attacks on his decision to change positions on key issues like gay rights without losing the momentum he is building. We know all the reasons why we shouldn't read too much into Romney's pole position in surveys in Iowa and New Hampshire — he's the only major Republican candidate on the airwaves, the race isn't yet engaged etc. But he's still ahead in the two most important early states, and that matters. (Previous ranking: 3)

Here is the link

But how does he embarrass himself? With this terrible long sentence:

Because his strength in Iowa led both former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain to back out of the state GOP's straw poll set for this summer; because he appears headed for another first- or second-place finish in the money chase; and because he continues to withstand attacks on his decision to change positions on key issues like gay rights without losing the momentum he is building.

Chris seems like a smart guy, but this post proves that he is unable to do his own research. This sentense proves that he lives inside the echo chamber of Washington where all the "important" people just repeat each other and don't listen to anyone else. The truth doesn't matter. Chris heard someone else say that Romney changed his position on gay rights, this other person was important, and so nothing that us little people can say will change his mind. It doesn't matter that we are right and have proof. This is where Chris embarrasses himself: he is too lazy to do his own research. I don't mean to make it personal, but I don't know what else to do. We have to speak truth to power, and so I think I have to make it a personal attack, and call names.. Maybe I'm wrong.

If Chris went to this website he would read:

During his 1994 campaign against Senator Edward Kennedy, Romney said that same-sex marriage "is not appropriate at this time" and pointed out that marriage was regulated under the jurisdiction of state laws. He also said his voice, as a Republican, would carry more weight on lesbian and gay issues than Kennedy's, even if they took the same position on issues like allowing gays and lesbians in the military. When seeking the campaign support of the Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts, he said, "We must make equality for gays and lesbians a mainstream concern".


Do only losers write in blogs in ALL CAPS? Do only losers complain that "important" people don't listen to him? Do people in Iowa see right past, and ignore these insiders? Maybe I should ignore them, because what they think is even less important than what I write.

Romney, Mitt Letter to Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts (PDF); October 6, 1994. [Published on Bay Windows web site.] Retrieved December 14, 2006.

Lehigh, Scot. "Kennedy, Romney battle for the middle." Boston Globe, October 10, 1994.

Nagourney, Adam; and Kirkpatrick, David D. Romney's Gay Rights Stance Draws Ire The New York Times, December 09, 2006. Retrieved December 11, 2006.

I am not a smart person. But I find it embarrassing for people who get paid to know what is going on, can be so out ignorant.

You say, "this guy is the first major newspaper writer to put Romney in the top spot, and you call him ignorant?!" Maybe I just like being counterintuitive, but maybe it takes something like this to get their attention? Maybe I'm just ignorant? What do you think?

~ Mike

Jun 24, 2007

ABC: A Man of Faith Should Explain his Faith

posted 16:33pm by Ryan

ABC's Jake Tapper asserted on the network's This Week today that if Romney wishes to run as a man of faith, he should be expected to explain exactly what his faith requires him to believe. He raises the example of the Mormon beliefs regarding Jesus' eventual Second Coming to the earth. If Romney wishes to be taken seriously as a religious candidate, why can't he tell us exactly how the specific tenets of that religion inform his world view?

This position has a nice logical ring to it, but breaks down on examination. First of all, it is not entirely accurate to say that Romney is running as a man of faith. Rather, he has asserted that he is a religious person in line with the mainstream of America only as a defense to attacks that his Mormonism should disqualify him from office. This is not an affirmative talking point, but a defense against the anti-Mormon crowd. The fact that he is forced to highlight his religious values in order to stay in the race should not be read to open the door to discuss all of Mormon doctrine in a political campaign.

Secondly, note the example Jake Tapper brings up. So Romney is a man of faith, but why should that mean he needs to explain complex doctrines regarding the far off return of Jesus Christ? Surely John McCain, Mike Brownback and Mike Huckabee, if they take their brands of Christianity seriously, have their own beliefs about the mode and meaning of Jesus' return. Mitt Romney has been no more emphatic about his own religiosity than any of these men, so it should follow that we are entitled to hear their own thoughts on this "important" issue.

To imagine John McCain being forced to expound his beliefs on the Second Coming highlights the absurdity of the argument in the first place. Why on earth should voters care what John McCain thinks about how and where Jesus might someday appear on the earth? Is Mitt Romney any different?

Tapper's argument rests on the idea that voters are entitled to understand the basis for their candidates' claims. If you say you're a conservative, you should have to prove it, and if you say you're religious, you should have to back that up too. But there is a certain line to be drawn as well. Mitt Romney's belief about the location of Jesus' return will not inform his administration of the country in any way. His ideas about integrity, fidelity in marriage, and Christian kindness might. Ask away on those topics. But before you can expect him to discuss his beliefs on more obscure points of doctrine (on which topics all religions have their own positions), you'd better explain why those questions bear any relevance to voters.

So, the ball's in your court, Mr. Tapper– as soon as you can explain why voters should care about Mitt Romney's beliefs on the Second Coming of Jesus, Romney can be expected to detail exactly those beliefs. Deal?

Email this

Jun 10, 2007

The Washington Post ran a feature on Five Brothers.

The Washington Post ran a feature on Five Brothers.

The writer commented that "wholesome does not really begin to describe them . . ."

What do the writers want Five Brothers to talk about? Do they want Craig to start using crack? Selling Crack? Would that satisfy them?

The column claims they are more Brady Bunch than Simpsons. I don't get Jose Antonio Vargas, the staff writer for The Washington Post. Is the Romney sons talking about their dad's campaign supposed to be controversial? What are they supposed to say? That they hate their dad? That they don't want him to win? That they hate each other? That they hate the other candidates? Is this where they are supposed to confess all the problems they have had?

The media likes Paris Hilton. She at least gives them something to talk about.

Why can't these Romney boys be more like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears?


Lis Wiehl of Fox News asks, "Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears: Where's Our Generation's Jackie O?"

Getting jail time for drunk driving with suspended license? "That's hot!"

Millions of strangers watching you have sex? "That's hot!"

Snorting coke in a dirty bathroom at a club? "That's hot!"

Snagging a DUI while proudly dangling a sobriety shield from your rearview mirror, only to collapse at a club the next night and check into rehab a second time at age 20? ...Priceless.

Our daughters are bombarded with images of scantily-clad celebrities, stumbling in the street, only to take a drunk-driving joy-ride around town in their $400,000 Mercedes. Celebrity gossip is thrust upon us by radio, TV, magazine covers and pop-up ads. I am sickened by the messages that pop icons are sending my daughter: that underage drinking, drugs, and driving under the influence are tolerable. These celebs and heiresses should be setting a better example.

Gone are the days when our daughters looked up to a poised Mary Tyler Moore or Jackie O. Those women valued their public image built upon morality (even if it wasn't really the case). Once upon a time, it was embarrassing for celebrities to be caught doing something naughty. Today these wild girls have made it commonplace to misbehave. Web sites like even celebrate bad behavior. While some argue the effect of widespread exposure of bad girl antics won't lead "ordinary" girls to mimick their behavior, I disagree. If these are the role models for our children, it's very likely our girls will copy the celebrity behavior, especially because they are seen as the new "it" girls.

It seems that celebs are arrested for driving while intoxicated without so much as batting a false eyelash. Some of Hollywood's most notorious bad girls — Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie and Britney Spears — have all recently been accused of drunk driving and/or doing drugs.

The legal blood alcohol content for driving in all states is .08. That means for a 120 pound female, legal intoxication can be reached in as few as two drinks. Need I mention that celebutantes such as Richie are estimated to weigh 85 pounds? Meaning it takes even less than two drinks to legally intoxicate her past the point of safely driving a vehicle. Furthermore, though this is the legal limit, many people experience significant impairment before the legal point of intoxication! And let's be honest, who believes these girls are only having two drinks?

In Hollywood, overusing drugs or alcohol, followed by rehab, is commonplace and celebs do so with impunity. But unlike Hollywood-land, though real world employers are not as forgiving and many would face a chance of losing their job. Repeated rehab stints followed by a quick retreat back to bad habits have provided temporary sanctuary from retribution. But this isn't monopoly, and rehab should not be used as a get out-of-jail free card! This sets a horrible example for our kids. Spears and Lohan went drinking days after their "rehabilitation."

Until recently most of these girls have avoided any real consequences for drunk driving or doing drugs — thanks to their expensive lawyers. However, celebrities should not be above the law merely because they can afford clever lawyers. These Hollywood bad girls deserve punishment, not pity. If these emancipated youngsters are going to take part in adult activities then they must accept adult responsibilities. Having access to such providential lifestyles and tempting adult parties at such a young age should be considered a privilege, not a pardon for bad choices.

I'm not necessarily suggesting that hard time in prison is the best fit punishment for the crime, but whatever happened to community service? Public reprimand and apology? Something to show America that this behavior is not condoned? At the MTV Movie Awards, the pre-show host declared her deepest sympathy to Hilton for her jail sentence. That is absurd. That is what happens when you break the law Paris …you go to jail! Would anyone feel such sympathy if Paris were the town alcoholic driving around in a beat up car and terrorizing the streets by driving drunk late at night? I think not.

Authorities finally seem to be cracking down on this out of control behavior. Richie awaits her punishment after being arrested for DUI in December 2006. Hilton is in jail. Lohan was recently arrested under suspicion of driving under the influence after she crashed into the curb. Did I mention Lohan is not even of legal drinking age?

Must we remind police that these girls are not just endangering themselves but other innocent drivers and pedestrians? According to the Insurance Information Institute, there is an alcohol-related traffic fatality in the United States every 31 minutes and an alcohol-related traffic injury every two minutes.

"To whom much is given, much is expected." (Luke 12:48) These girls are given a lot at such a young age: money, fortune and fame. With this comes the scrutiny of the public eye and a responsibility to set a good example for their young fans and stop acting like heir-heads!

Way to go Lis! But this shows a big difference in the media. You have one media organization wanting more controversy and dysfunction out of kids these days, and ridiculing Mitt's children because they don't get in trouble, and then you have another organization looking desperately for examples of classiness and responsibility. Gosh, I wonder where we can find some good examples?

Well liberalism is a disorder. That is all I can say. Good is bad and bad is good. Liberals don't try to live good lives; they try to live counterintuitive lives, to prove that they are original. They aren't proud when their kids avoid drugs, out of marriage children, divorce, or rehab. They hate parents who raise kids who turn out alright. These things are interesting, and somehow prove that they aren't "too goody-goody".

I think one of the Romney boys said he liked little-miss-sunshine. I didn't. I hated it. I was so much pretence, of the liberal writers just saying how much better they were than everyone else. Our lives may suck. My dad may be addicted to heroin, he may be a pervert, my brother may have been committed for suicide, my 13 year old may have started her long career in S&M exotic dancing, but at least we aren't boring. At least we aren't goody-goody.

They throw in some good parts of the family being nice to each other, and making it threw bad times, but in the end they glorify living on the edge street cred. Which is a loosing game. Watch SLC punk and you will learn that everyone has to grow up. It's stupid to glorify having dysfunction in your life just so you are "cool".

Which brings me back to the media. You have to assume that newspaper writers chose that career so they can tell themselves how good they are. They weren't comfortable yet with the fact that they were good. They couldn't choose their profession with the goal of providing for their family as best they could, they had to choose a career that made them feel good about themselves. And how do liberals feel good about themselves? Just go back to high school, and look at the people who didn't want to admit doing homework because it was nerdy, who would smoke, just so others could see them as being "rebels", and who were always sluting around for that kind of attention.


Jun 8, 2007

Unfair questions for Mitt Romney

By unfair, I mean that I don't think other candidates have had to answer similar questions.



  1. George Stephanopoulos
    1. So do you now believe that abortion is murder?
    2. Should women who have abortions and doctors who perform them be jailed?
    3. If it's killing, why should states have leeway?
    4. What do you believe the punishment should be for an abortion?
  2. 2nd Debate
    1. What would you say to someone who lost a wife or a daughter to an illegal abortion if you named the Supreme Court justice who tipped the balance and over turned Roe v Wade?


This one wasn't so much unfair as stupid, and out of left field.



  1. 1st Debate
    1. What do you dislike most about America?


These ones arn't unfair just to Mitt Romney but to all the republicans. I have not heard a reporter ask any of the democrats about the totally un-ethical Bill Clinton pardons.

  1. 1st Debate
    1. Should Scooter Libby should be pardoned?
    2. Which current cabinet official would you keep ?


They could totally ask any of the dems which Clinton cabinet official they would bring back.


Wolf got into trouble over this one with Dick Cheney also. Click on the question to see how that went over.

  1. Wolf Blitzer:
    1. Do you want to tell our viewers why you disagree with Mary Cheney?


Mitt and Ann Romney's Relationship:

    1. Did you and Ann have pre-marital sex?


Has any other candidate been asked about this? Nope. It's OK to ask Mormons different questions.




  1. 1st Debate
    1. What do you say to bishops who deny Communion to elected officials who support abortion rights? (Not too bad, but gosh).
  2. Mike Allen
    1. Why are key tenets of your faith still misunderstood ? The tenets of every faith are misunderstood. Big deal. Don't ask a politician.
  3. How is your church so successful in getting its young people to follow its teachings? Ask the church dude. You don't really want to know.
  4. Brian Lamb
    1. Who was Brigham Young? Has Rudy had to tell about the Pope Pios the 3rd?
    2. Do you have an evangelical problem? Brian, do you have a stupid problem?
  5. Wolf Blitzer
    1. How do you deal with the fact that you are a Mormon? How do you deal with the fact that you are an idiot? How do you deal with the fact that your first name is "wolf"?
  6. Jay Leno
    1. Is their enough diversity within the Mormon Church ? Does Mike Huckabee get asked about Baptist in the South supporting slavery? The Mormon church did have racist policies more recently but it never supported slavery. That is part of the conflict it had in Missouri. Mitt Romney's dad was one of the few governors (especially Republican) who actually marched with Martin Luther King. Rudy hasn't been asked if the Catholic church has a molestation problem, but because Romney belongs to a religious minority, that isn't yet politically correct to defend, you can treat him different, and make him explain the stupid things his church has done, but you don't do the same to other candidates...
  7. Chris Wallace
    1. Are you a cultist? Chris, are you an ass?