Dec 9, 2012

Other Factors: Logic Professors

I had a logic professor. He was in the philosophy department, and he taught a course on logic. Every professor has a few philosophy teachers that teach formal logic.

I think if we tracked the number of logic professors that "certify" the logic of an argument and subtract the number of logic professors that "discount" the logic of an argument, we could use that data to promote ideas that have been more thoroughly examined, and supported.

This is the best equation I can come up with for adding points to a belief based on the number logic professors that support or oppose the logic used in an argument.

I would love your feedback!

Below is an explanation of each term.

  • NPA/D = Number of times a certified logic instructor has verified/discounted the logic of a reason to disagree
  • Summing “NPA or NPD” would mean that if a logic professor disagreed with a reasons to support your conclusion, that would take away ½ a point, because that action is twice removed.

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