Dec 9, 2012

Other Factors: Books that agree or Disagree

I think if we tracked the number of books that are suggested as reasons to agree with a conclusion, or disagree, we could come up with algorithms that use this data to promote beliefs that have been more thoroughly examined, and supported.

This is the best equation I can come up with for adding points to a belief based on the number of and the quality of each book that is suggested as a reason to support or disagree with a conclusion. 

I would love your feedback!

Below is an explanation of each term.

  • B = Books that have been said to support or oppose the given conclusion
  • BS = Books Score. Books scores can take into account number of books that are sold, as well as the score given from book reviewers, etc
  • BLS = Book link score. You can have a good book, that doesn’t actually support the proposed belief. Each argument that a book supports a belief, becomes its own argument that that its own book “linkage score” that is given points according to the above formula

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