Nov 6, 2011

(+7) We should end foreign aid to countries that oppose America's interests

Reasons to agree:

  1. We should eliminate every government program that is not absolutely essential. There are many things government does that we may like but that we do not need. The test should be this: "Is this program so critical that it is worth borrowing money to pay for it?" The federal government should stop doing things we don't need or can't afford. 

  2. The USA has valid interest. 

  3. We are broke. 

  4. We should no longer lend our strength to that which wants to destroy us.

  5. International politics isn't like a family, and we are the parents. We don't have to prove to the rest of the world that our love is unconditional. We compete against other nations for resources, for hearts, and minds. We compete against authoritarian regimes that are opposed to human rights. We have valid interest. We are suckers, we are chumps, we harm ourselves, we harm our ideals, we harm the world when we give money to nations that don't share our valid interest. We reward bad behavior, and punish good behavior when we pretend there is no such thing as bad behavior, or good behavior. 

  6. North Korea clearly opposes our interest. They sell nuclear technology to our enemies. When we give them money it might make our professional do-gooders feel better about themselves, but it harms our planet, prevents their reform, and harms their people and our own. 

  7. Typically foreign aid takes money from poor people in rich countries, and gives it to rich people in poor countries. 

    # of reasons to agree: 7

    # of reasons to disagree: -0

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

    Total Idea Score: 7

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