Nov 6, 2011

(10) The federal government should block grant Medicaid to the states

Reasons to agree:

  1. (+6) We should return federal programs to the states.

  2. Each state should be responsible for caring for their own uninsured.

  3. The way medicaid is ran now, it is a right. It is an entitlement. People are gauronteed medicaid, no matter what. People get medicaid, even if the cost doubles every year. With block grants, medical inflation can be limited, but putting a limit that each state gets from the federal program. 

  4. We can make it so each state that wants to increase the Medicaid benefit by $1, has to spend an extra dollar. 

    # of reasons to agree: 3

    # of reasons to disagree: -0

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 6

    # of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

    Total Idea Score: 10

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