Oct 30, 2010

The Book of Mormon teaches good things

Reasons to agree

  1. The pride cycle, as taught in the book of Mormon, is important.

  2. The danger of gangs (secrete combinations), as taught in the book of Mormon, might turn out important.

  3. The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus came to more than just the Israelites, which, if it is true, is neat.

  1. The Book of Mormon doesn't teach anything new.

  2. The Book of Mormon, like the Old Testament, justifies killing the defenseless (Nephi Killing an unconscious Laban).

  3. The Book of Mormon is racist(0).

# of reasons to agree: +3

# of reasons to disagree: -3

# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +0

# of reasons to disagree with reasons to agree: -0

Total Idea Score: -2

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