Apr 4, 2009

Obama was wrong on the surge

Reasons to agree
  1. The surge worked.
  2. Obama is using a surge in Afganistan, though he is too proud to admit it. You know he said he was all about change, but this is one of those stupid lame things that shows he is just like all the other politicians.

Interest of those who agree (that Obama is wrong):

  1. Promoting the Republican Party by attacking a democrat, Obama.
  2. Racism (criticizing a minority, Obama, because he is a minority).
  3. Defending Bush, because people became deranged, and tried blaming him for everything.

Interest of those who disagree (that Obama is wrong):

  1. Promoting the Democratic Party by defending a democrat, Obama.
  2. Liberal guilt (defending a minority, Obama, because he is a minority).
  3. Attacking Bush because he is a republican.
  4. Attacking Bush because he is Rich.
  5. Attacking Bush because he was privilaged.
  6. Attaching Bush because is a Jock.

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