Apr 5, 2009

Obama is wrong to appose oil extraction from ANWR

Reasons to agree:
  1. We should treat the earth as a Garden not an un-touchable wildlife preserve.
  2. All the oil in Alaska will someday burn. We can either burn it in our cars, or it will burn when the Sun engulfs the inner planets of our solar system, as it becomes a red-giant, before it burns out. Nothing we do to be nice to the planet matters in the long run. The sun will consume the Earth and everything on it. Sure. We should recycle, buy Prius cars, build green buildings, smart grids, and stop pollution. We need to save the Brazilian rain forest, and stop pollution. But there is absolutely nothing worth saving in ANWR, and nothing bad that could happen from extracting it's oil. It is a big frozen tundra, with miserable caribou that would lean against the pipeline for warmth in the depth of winter.

1 comment:

  1. Given the widespread concern about foreign oil, one line certainly sounded plausible: Obama said, "We have known for decades that our survival depends on finding new sources of energy, yet we import more oil today than ever before."
    Not true. We're importing less than we were just a few years ago. Imports reached a high point of 15 million barrels per day on Nov. 4, 2005. Most recently, they totaled 11.5 million on Feb. 20, 2009. Monthly and annual imports show the same trend.
    Source: FactCheck.org on 2009 State of the Union address Feb 24, 2009
