Apr 5, 2009

Obama is right on affirmative action based on class

Obama is Right!
 Obama has indicated support for affirmative action based on class, not just race, (q.v. redistributive change) in comments where he said that his daughters should be treated by prospective colleges and employers as people that grew up with a privileged background.

Obama shifts affirmative action rhetoric, By David Kuhn - The Politico "Obama has called for government to 'craft' a policy 'in such a way where some of our children who are advantaged aren't getting more favorable treatment than a poor white kid who has struggled more.'

Reasons to agree:

  1. We don't want an aristocracy.

  2. Schools should be impressed when students come a long ways without any advantages. Of course you are going to take someone's background into consideration when you are trying to get an overall understanding of their potential.

Reasons to disagree:

  1. If we are going to compete with the Chinese, and overcome the problems that we face, it is not enough to put kids into schools that came from disadvantaged background, so that we feel like we are being fair. Life is not fair. We need to put kids into the top schools, that got the top scores.

Probable interest of those who disagree:

  1. Republican Party Affiliation (40%)

  2. They agree with the argument, outside of any interest or alterior motivation (30%)

  3. Racism (5%)

  4. Political laziness & issue crossover.

  5. Money lost from others advancing because of affirmative action

Probable interest of those who agree:

  1. They agree with the argument, outside of any interest or alterior motivation (30%)

  2. Democratic party groupism (40%)

  3. Liberal guilt.

  4. Political laziness & issue crossover.

  5. Money made from advancing because of affirmative action

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