- We should reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. Fighting for people who do nothing but "stand around on street corner" is rewarding bad behavior. Obama didn't stand around on street corners. It sounds cruel, but kids need to see that people who make bad decisions fail. That prevents more bad decisions. But it all depends on what you mean by "fight for". We should, of course, be smart. If we can fight for them in a way that does not reward bad behavior, but gives them different options, that is ok, but that is the problem with generic stupid language, like "fight for". A lot of parents fight for their kids, and cause damage... sometimes it is better to let the kids fight for themselves... but this language is stupid...
- Usually compassion is not a limitless resource. When you have compassion on criminals, to some degree, you are less able to provide compassion to law abiding citizens. You will have less money, time, and other resources for other priorities.
Transforming Debate for Inclusive and Impactful Participation Objective: To empower thousands—or even millions—to contribute meaningfully to debates by leveraging structured organization and robust evaluation criteria. Together, we can ensure every voice is heard and every idea is thoughtfully considered.
Apr 14, 2009
Obama is wrong when he says: "We have to fight for all those young men standing on street corners with little hope for the future besides ending up in jail
Apr 13, 2009
We should reward good behavior and punish bad behavior
Reasons to agree:
- People, like dogs, seek rewards, and avoid punishments.
- The Parable of the Talents tells us that law of the harvest.
- We can all agree on some very basic definitions of good and bad.
- Even if we make some mistakes, and accidently call some good things bad, the effort in the long run, will result in more good being done than bad.
- It may seem cruel to "reward" those who are smart, but it is cruel to those in the future, if we create an un-just society, or a backwards society. Our challenges that we face in the future will need smart people. We have to reward those who seek education.
- We should reward behavior people that help the environment.
Reasons to disagree:
- If I don't like what you call "good" and "bad" then you might end up, then I might think you are rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior.
- It is hard to judge "bad" behavior. For instance, if you get bad grades, is it because you are lazy (bad), or disadvantages.
Apr 11, 2009
Obama is right to provide tax incentives for corporate responsibility
Reasons to agree:
- We should reward good behavior and punish bad behavior
- If you are going to have sin taxes you should also have virtue tax credits.
- If a behavior helps America as a whole, it isn't wasting money giving tax incentives, it might actually bring in more mone.
Reasons to agree:
- Government shouldn't determine what is "good" business behavior and "bad business behavior.
- Some businesses could win more jobs, if they had 30% of their employers in India... for instance if they keep loosing jobs to South Korean firm, because employment cost are too high, maybe it would help them keep at least some of the work coming into the states, instead of going to companies that are 100% foreign. These should be business not political decisions.
Background: Obama’s “REAL USA” Corporations Plan (Responsible, Accountable, Loyal USA Corporations) will reward companies that create quality jobs in America with tax incentives. Companies will be required to:
- locate in the United States 90% of its production and employment for the sales of goods and services that are consumed here;
- invest at least 50% of its R&D budget here in the U.S;
- make sure their workers have access to affordable health care by providing a standardized and portable health insurance plan and pay at least 70% of the cost;
- make sure their workers have retirement security by contributing at least 5% of payroll to a portable, multi-employer pension fund and operating a profit-sharing plan for all full time employees; and
- limit management compensation to 50 times the lowest-paid full-time worker.
- Source: Campaign website, ObamaForIllinois.com Jun 25, 2004
Obama is right to stand against "the excess influence of agribusiness lobbying"
Reasons to agree with Obama:
- Big farms located far away are bad.
- People should be allowed to have goats, and chickens in the suberbs.
People should grow food not grass. It is a waste of time to plant grass, put fertilizers, pesticides, and weed killer, down, and every week mow a lawn while burning gas in a 2 cylinder engine that spits out carbon dioxide, when you could spend 1/2 the time growing a better looking yard that actually gave you fruits, vegetable, and nuts for free. There should be more local farms, and less giant farms that all produce the same thing.
Reasons to disagree:
- Words are cheap. You shouldn't get any credit until you take actions.
Obama is right to think that it is Ok to expose 6-year-olds to gay couples, but wrong to think the government should make this choice
Q: Last year, some parents of second graders in Lexington, Massachusetts, were outraged to learn their children’s teacher had read a story about same-sex marriage, about a prince who marries another prince. Would you be comfortable reading this story to your children as part of their school curriculum?
A: My 9-year-old and my 6-year-old are already aware that there are same-sex couples. And my wife and I have talked about it. One of the things I want to communicate to my children is not to be afraid of people who are different because there have been times in our history when I was considered different. And one of the things I think the next president has to do is to stop fanning people’s fears.
- People get very upset with the government. They want it to do all these things and have all these powers, but then they get upset with the things it does that they don't like. The only way to solve this problem is to keep the government out of raising children and doing business. That should be up to parents and guardians. If you push to give the government power to promote your way of life, you or your children will suffer some consequences because you gave the government power to meddle, and someday, you won't like the decision it makes with the power you gave it.
- When I say that the government forces people, I'm talking about parents in Massachusetts who are not given the option to exclude their six-year-olds from hearing about "A King and A king" gay children's stories.
- Obama is not sending his kids to private school. He gets to choose what his children are exposed to. However, poor kids must be exposed to whatever social experiments those in power feel like playing at the time.
PS: This post is complicated. Obama is okay with making that decision himself. Still, his support of gay marriage in California would mean that parents would no longer get to be involved in these types of decisions because parents in Massachusetts were refused this right when they passed gay marriage. So, Obama is both right and wrong. If you disagree that that is an OK decision for parents or teachers to make, I would love to hear your arguments, however I think the decision is a good one for parents to make, but a bad one for teachers to make.
Obama is right about the Confederate flag
- "I think that the Confederate flag should be put in a museum. That’s where it belongs. But we’ve got an enormous debate that’s taking place in this country right now. And we’ve got to engage the people of South Carolina in that debate." Source: 2007 South Carolina Democratic primary debate, on MSNBC Apr 26, 2007.
Obama is right about race
Reasons to agree with Obama:
- Obama is right about the disparity between sentencing crack and powder-based cocaine .
- Obama is right to try to ban racial profiling.
- Obama has said: “[Those who worked on civil rights in the past realized that] to achieve racial equality was not simply good for African-Americans, but it was good for America as a whole; that we could not be what we might be as a nation unless we healed the brutal wounds of slavery and Jim Crow."
Obama has said; "Now, we have made enormous progress, but the progress we have made is not good enough. As many have already mentioned, we live in a society that remains separated in terms of life opportunities for African-Americans, for Latinos, and the rest of the nation." Obama is right. Its not always about race, but often about historical economic opportunities. For instance, many Irish came to American in deep poverty because they were fleeing the potato famine. African American's aren't always the victim of direct racisms, but are often the victims of racism perpetrated on their parents, which caused them to have a worse life, which caused them to live in a worse neighborhood which caused difficulty for their children. With that said, my dad was a teacher in a state that didn't pay teachers very well, who had 5 kids and a stay at home mom, and I did not have very many economic advantages. I worked hard, borrowed a lot of money for college, and am now a professional engineer. Sometimes I think people look at me, who have more privileges than I had, who think I lived a cushy life. So economic advantages can often outweigh racial disadvantages, which Obama understands.- Obama has said; "And it is absolutely critical for us to recognize that there are going to be responsibilities on the part of African-Americans and other groups to take personal responsibility to rise up out of the problems that we face. But there has also got to be a social responsibility, there has to be a sense of mutual responsibility, and there’s got to be political will in the White House to make that happen.” Source: 2007 Democratic Primary Debate at Howard University Jun 28, 2007
- "A line in my speech at the 04 Democratic National Convention struck a chord. “There is not a black American and white American and Latino America and Asian American--there is the United States of America.” For them, it seems to capture a vision of America finally freed from the past of Jim Crow and slavery, Japanese internment camps and Mexican braceros, workplace tensions and cultural conflict--an America that fulfills Dr. King’s promise that we be judged not by the color of our skin but by the content of our character."
- "I have no choice but to believe this vision. As the child of a black man and white woman, born in the melting pot of Hawaii, with a sister who is half-Indonesian, but who is usually mistaken for Mexican, and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent, with some relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac, I never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe." Source: The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p.231 Oct 1, 2006
- "So many of the disparities that exist between the African American community and the larger American community today can be traced directly to inequalities passed on from an earlier generation that suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim Crow." ~ Source: Speech on Race, in Change We Can Believe In, p.222-3 Mar 18, 2008
- Segregated schools were and are inferior schools. We still haven’t fixed them, and the inferior education they provided, then and now, helps explain the pervasive achievement gap between today’s black and white students.
- "Legalized discrimination-- where blacks were prevented, often through violence, from owning property, or loans were not granted to African American business owners, or black homeowners could not access FHA mortgages, or blacks were excluded from unions--meant that black families could not amass any meaningful wealth to bequeath to future generations. That history helps explain the wealth & income gap between blacks and whites, and the concentrated pockets of poverty that persists in so many of today’s urban and rural communities." ~ Source: Speech on Race, in Change We Can Believe In, p.222-3 Mar 18, 2008
- "[In his State Senate race], one of Obama’s central themes was the powerful potential of multiculturalism in American society. Rather than continually castigating whites for an oppressive history of mistreating blacks, Obama suggested, blacks would do better if they infiltrated the mainstream power structure and worked from there to effect social change" ~ Source: From Promise to Power, by David Mendell, p.113 Aug 14, 2007
- “Any solution to our unemployment catastrophe must arise from us working creatively within a multicultural, interdependent economy,” Obama said. “Any African Americans who are only talking about racism as a barrier to our success are seriously misled if they don’t also come to grips with the larger economic forces that are creating economic insecurity for all workers.” ~ Source: From Promise to Power, by David Mendell, p.113 Aug 14, 2007
- "His steadfast beliefs made him less than a unifying force in Chicago’s black community. The idea of building bridges to people of all races was anathema to many old-school black leaders who still sounded a voice in Chicago’s African American community." ~ Source: From Promise to Power, by David Mendell, p.113 Aug 14, 2007
- “I believe in vigorous enforcement of our non discrimination laws. But I also believe that a transformation of conscience and a genuine commitment to diversity on the part of the nation’s CEOs could bring about quicker results than a battalion of lawyers.” ~ Source: In His Own Words, edited by Lisa Rogak, p. 34 Mar 27, 2007
- Obama is right about the Confederate flag
Reasons to disagree with Obama:
- Obama passed on stupid urban legends that exaggerated racial problems.
- Obama said; “I don’t think the Democratic Party takes the African-American voters for granted. I’m happy that the president spoke at the Urban League. He should have spoke at the NAACP. I want Republicans to compete for the African-American vote. They’re not getting the African-American vote not because African-Americans aren’t open-minded, but because Democrats have consistently championed those issues-civil rights, voting rights, concern for working families-that are of greatest concern to African-American voters.” ~ Source: Meet The Press, NBC News Jul 25, 2004. Obama might be right in his explanation about why African Americans are democrats, but he is wrong about what should make someone join a party, sort-of. It is true that "Democrats have consistently championed those issues-civil rights, voting rights, concern for working families-that are of greatest concern to African-American voters” but that is not the reason you should join a political party. You don't join a party because you think that party is "on your side". You join a party because you think that political party is going to be good for your party. Obama wouldn't see it this way, but a republican would look at the things that the democratic party promises like someone should look at drugs. There is a part of you that might want it, but it will destroy your self will, yourself esteem, your community. Your drug dealer isn't your friend just because he gives you stuff. Of course this is an oversimplification. There are certain things that people need: good schools, and good services, but us republicans really respect people like Colin Powel, Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, who don't want everything the Democratic party tries to give them. I'm not saying that people make the wrong decision to become democrats, but Obama was wrong to boil the whole question down to what party will give your people the most.
- Obama wrongly called a Boston cop stupid.
Obama is wrong about Republicans
- Obama said that republican policies, "have not been good at providing ladders for upward mobility and opportunity for all people". However democrats have been in a majority in all the places most hard hit by poverty for the last 60 years. We have spent hundreds of trillions of dollars on poverty. Democrats have been in charge in New Orleans, for decades, but somehow republicans got blamed for their problems. Democrats have been in charge in all the places hit by poverty for a long time it is their policies that destroyed the family that destroyed initiative that created families that never got jobs, but lived off the welfare system. It is the democratic policies that have failed. It is republican policies that have not been given a chance in these democratic strong holds.
- Republicans are not in charge in Detroit. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
- Republicans are not in charge in Chicago. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
- Republicans are not in charge in New York. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
- Republicans are not in charge in Las Angleles. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
- Republicans are not in charge in New Orleans. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
Obama was wrong on the Program Assessment Rating Tool Bill
Reasons to disagree with Obama:
- We have programs out there that have made absolutely no effort at all to measure their results. I believe these are the worst offenders. In the following years, I hope Congress will look at those programs to create accountability. Reference: Allard Amendment; Bill S.Amdt.491 on S.Con.Res.21 ; vote number 2007-090 on Mar 22, 2007
- People like Obama always critisize business, but government needs to learn that it is the outcome that matters not how much money is thrown at a problem.
Obama is wrong on the Free Market
- How does Obama know what divine providence is? Obama is not only a politician, but a prophit who can tell us what the mind of God is?
Obama is way wrong to say that the free market does not follow natural law. The free market works, when it follows natural law. One natural law is the law of the harvest: that you reap what you sow. Liberals often want to remove the law of the harvest. They don’t want people to be punished for making bad decisions. They want to create an unnatural ecosystem. Also nature thrives when there is a vibrant ecosystem. In the same way, the economic ecosystem does not work very well when there are monopolies. Obama will suffer to the degree that he makes the market not follow natural law.
Obama is wrong on protecting the rural economy
- Government should not "protect" one aspect of our economy. This is called corporate welfare. Obama just wanted the votes of rural downstate votors.
Obama is right on Paygo
Background: Obama said; “We can restore a law that ..called Paygo--that prohibits money from leaving the treasury without some way of compensating for the lost revenue.” The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p.187-189 Oct 1, 2006
Reasons to agree with Obama:
- When Obama makes conservative arguments, we need to be very quick to agree with him, if we actually believe in principles, and want to make progress. Otherwise we are just apposing him because he is a Democrat.
Reasons to disagree with Obama:
- Words mean nothings. Just because someone says we should use "Paygo" does not make them right. The budget that Obama signed proves that it was just a lie to get liberal republicans to vote for him.
Obama is wrong on the Ownership Society
- Obama says the ownership society is the same as social darwinism. People take care of stuff they own. However, if the government gives you a house, you will not take good care of it. If the government gives you free healthcare, you will over-use it. Everyone miximizes their own reward. That is why the ownership society works. It works on rewarding good behavior. The anti-social darwinist want to reward bad behavior, and punish good behavior. This has never, and will never work.
Obama is wrong on the Ownership Society
Obama is right on tax havens
Obama said; "right now we’ve got a whole host of corporate loopholes and tax havens. There’s a building in the Cayman Islands that houses supposedly 12,000 US-based corporations. That’s either the biggest building in the world or the biggest tax scam in the world, and we know which one it is. If we close some of those loopholes, we’ve put forward tax relief plans, that will not only restore fairness to our tax code, but it also puts money into the pockets of hard-working Americans who need it right now, who will spend it, and will actually improve our economic growth over time, particularly at a time when we’re seeing a credit crunch. But it requires leadership from the white house that restores that sense that we’re all in this together." ~ 2007 Des Moines Register Democratic Debate Dec 13, 2007
Reasons to agree with Obama:
- Businesses that make money in America, because America built roads, won WWI, WWII, protected freedom, and defeated communism, owe the government their fair share of taxes.
Interest of those who agree with Obama
- Stopping cheaters and corruption
- Liberal guilt (defending a minority because he is a minority).
Interest of those who disagree with Obama
- Greed
- Racism (criticizing a minority because he is a minority)
Obama often mischaracterizes the views of those he disagrees with
1. Obama said; "The fact that we’re spending $12 billion every month in Iraq means that we can’t engage in the kind of infrastructure improvements that are going to make us more competitive, we can’t deliver on the kinds of health care reforms that Clinton and I are looking for. McCain is willing to have these troops over there for 100 years. The notion that we would sustain that kind of effort and neglect not only making us more secure here at home, more competitive here at home, allow our economy to sink." -Source: 2008 Democratic debate at University of Texas in Austin Feb 21, 2008. Obama was saying that McCain was going to be spending $12 billion a month in Iraq. All McCain was saying is that we still have troops in Germany, and Japan. That it's not a problem having our troops in a place, its just a problem if people are dying, and money is being spent. Obama mischaracterized what McCain said.
2. Obama constantly made fun of McCain for saying that the fundamentals of our economy were sound. For instance in the 1st presidential debate on September 26th, 2008, he said: "Ten days ago McCain said the fundamentals of the economy are sound." However Obama said the exact same thing when he was president. What they both meant was that we still have natural resources, educated people, and stuff. Obama tried to make it sound like McCain was out of touch, and didn't know there was a recession, but McCain acknowledged how bad things were in the sentence before the one Obama always quoted, yet Obama chose to always take him out of context. In this way Obama is a typical politician.
Obama is a hypocrite
- Obama self rightously accused Clinton of "resort(ing) to the same typical politics that we’ve seen in Washington" (2008 Congressional Black Caucus Democratic debate Jan 21, 2008) and then accused her of mischaracterizing his beliefs. However Obama often mischaracterizes the views of those he disagrees with .
Interest of those who agree
Interest of those who disagree
Webpages that agree
Webpages that agree
Obama was sometimes stupid in the way he tried to blame Bush for everything:
Apr 9, 2009
Obama is wrong to always use strawman arguments
- Obama said; "It's not going to happen. We're not going to go round them up ... We should give them a pathway to citizenship (Obama at Joliet town hall)" But no one wants to "round them up".
- Obama used strawman arguments with the stimulas bill. Whenever people would criticize it, he would say, "well some people don't want to do anything".
A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position
Interest of those who agree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Republican Party by attacking a democrat.
- Promoting more logical debate.
- Racism (criticizing a minority, Obama, because he is a minority).
Interest of those who disagree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Democratic Party by defending a democrat.
- Liberal guilt (defending a minority, Obama, because he is a minority).
Obama wants to reward people for breaking the law.
Reasons to agree:
- Obama said; he "will not support any bill that does not provide an earned path to citizenship for the undocumented population."
Interest of those who agree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Republican Party by attacking a democrat.
- The Rule of Law
- Self interest: promoting their own race (if their race is different from the immigrant)
Interest of those who disagree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Democratic Party by defending a democrat.
- Self interest: promoting their own race (if their race is the same as the immigrant).
- Family. Trying to re-unite with their family from South America
Apr 7, 2009
Obama lies:
Reasons to agree:
- Under Obama's plan, middle-class families would see their income taxes cut, with no family making less than $250,000 seeing an increase. However, he did vote for a budget in June 2008, that would raise the taxes on single people with a taxable income of over $32,000 by pushing up their tax bracket from 25% to 28%.
- On January 24, 2007, in reference to his stated plan to take public financing should he procure the nomination, he said, "I think that for a time, the presidential public financing system works." On November 27, he said, "I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election," and on February 28, 2008, he wrote that he planned to "aggressively pursue" a publicly financed campaign, later promising to sit down with John McCain to ensure "a public system" of campaign financing is preserved.[75] However, on June 19, 2008, he opted out of public campaign financing.
- He originally opposed efforts to include any legal immunity, especially retroactive immunity, for government officials and telecommunications firms alleged to have taken part in the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program as part of legislation to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.[108] However, on June 20, 2008, Obama issued a statement saying that he would support the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 passed the previous week by the House of Representatives
- "Every dollar I’ve proposed, I’ve proposed an additional cut that it matches." (2008 third presidential debate against John McCain Oct 15, 2008 )
- In Iowa Obama promising to lead “not by polls, but by principle”. But that was just to win the election. According to Politico Obama governs by polls. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/20852.html
- Obama promised to get us out of Iraq.
- Promised to close Gitmo.
- Obama says that he has not supported cutting funding to the war as a way to end U.S. involvement in the conflict. He stated that, "Once we were in, we were going to have some responsibility to try to make it work as best we can".[170] Obama was however one of 14 senators who voted against the successful passage of H.R.2206 in May 2007, a bill meant to provide continued funding for the Iraq war free from any withdrawal deadlines.[171]
- "The Obama administration is signaling to Congress that the president could support taxing some employee health benefits, as several influential lawmakers and many economists favor, to help pay for overhauling the health care system. The proposal is politically problematic for President Obama, however, since it is similar to one he denounced in the presidential campaign as 'the largest middle-class tax increase in history.' " -- New York Times, 3/14
- After saying he wouldn't have lobbyists in his administration, Obama made 17 exceptions in the first two weeks in office. ...including Tom Daschle, who worked as a top lobbyist yet was going to be appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services -- until his failure to pay income taxes derailed his nomination.
- "Chicago has yet to recoup the $1.74 million cost of President Obama's victory celebration in Grant Park -- despite a burgeoning $50.5 million budget shortfall that threatens more layoffs and union concessions." -- Chicago Sun-Times, 2/20
- Obama quietly announced that he would not press for new labor and environmental regulations in the North American Free Trade Agreement, going back on a campaign promise.
- Every campaign promice that is not followed through is not a lie. People should change their minds. The flip-flop charge is stupid. You have to look at the "lie" and try to figure out if it was made in good will. You also should count the number of promices that have been broken, and see who lies the most. Because every politician has gone back on promices. George Bush said no new taxes. Clinton said, "I did not have sex with that Woman". Every politician lies. That is why we need to hook them up to lie detectors. Real lying, when they know they are not telling the truth is a problem, but changin your mind is not a lie.
Webpages that agree:
You may say these changes aren't a big deal. But it wasn't just Obama changing his mind. He domogoged the issue, lecturing Bush on how wrong he was, and making a big deal about how he was going to be so much better. He made all these big deals, and then very quitly changed his opinion.
Interest of those who agree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Republican Party by attacking a democrat.
- Racism (critisizing a minority, Obama, because he is a minority)
Interest of those who disagree (that Obama is right):
- Promoting the Democratic Party by defending a democrat.
- Liberal guilt (defending a minority, Obama, because he is a minority)
It is pretty messed up for Obama to have voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions
Reasons to agree:
- This bill deals with how young girls are being secretly taken across State lines for the purpose of abortion, without the consent of their parents or even the knowledge of their parents, in violation of the laws of the State in which they live. 45 states have enacted some sort of parental consent laws or parental notification law. By simply secreting a child across State lines, one can frustrate the State legislature's rules. It is subverting and defeating valid, constitutionally approved rights parents have.
- Getting pregnant takes a series of choices. If you get pregnant, and you are a child, you are not providing for your own food, or shelter, if you get these things from your parents, these parents who are providing for you, and you live in a state that requires their knowledge of an abortion, it should be wrong for someone who is not caring for the pregnant child, for someone who is not providing food, shelter, to take these children, and assume they know what is better for someone whom they haven't raised from when they were children, and perform an abortion on them without even telling their parents.
This is very difficult stuff to discuss, and I think I could make people hate me for bringing up either side, but I want to word stuff better, and need your help in explaining both sides.
Webpages that agree:
Interest of those who agree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Republican Party by attacking a democrat.
- The desire to criticize something that a minority has said, no matter if it is right or not. Racisms. Attacking a minority because he is a minority.
- Making themselves feel better about decisions they might have made.
- Protecting the rights of parents.
- Limiting the rights of the government to do bad.
Interest of those who disagree (that Obama is wrong):
- Promoting the Democratic Party by defending a democrat.
- The desire to defend something that a minority has said, no matter if it is right or not. Liberal guilt (defending a minority because he is a minority)
- Making themselves feel better about decisions they might have made.
- Weakening the rights of parents.
- Expanding the rights of the government to do good.
Obama is wrong on abortion, but takes a good approach
- [An abortion protester at a campaign event] handed me a pamphlet. “Mr. Obama, I know you’re a Christian, with a family of your own. So how can you support murdering babies?”
I told him I understood his position but had to disagree with it. I explained my belief that few women made the decision to terminate a pregnancy casually; that any pregnant woman felt the full force of the moral issues involved when making that decision; that I feared a ban on abortion would force women to seek unsafe abortions, as they had once done in this country. I suggested that perhaps we could agree on ways to reduce the number of women who felt the need to have abortions in the first place.
“I will pray for you,” the protester said. “I pray that you have a change of heart.” Neither my mind nor my heart changed that day, nor did they in the days to come. But that night, before I went to bed, I said a prayer of my own-that I might extend the same presumption of good faith to others that had been extended to me.
Source: The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p.197-8 Oct 1, 2006 - Obama is right to reach across the isle for common ground on abortion
- Obama was wrong to have voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
- Obama is wrong on embryonic stem cell research
Webpages that agree:
Obama is a good dad
- "It's not good enough for you to say to your child, 'Do good in school,' and then when that child comes home, you got the TV set on, you got the radio on, you don't check their homework, there is not a book in the house, you've got the video game playing... So turn off the TV set, put the video game away. Buy a little desk or put that child by the kitchen table. Watch them do their homework. If they don't know how to do it, give them help. If you don't know how to do it, call the teacher. Make them go to bed at a reasonable time. Keep them off the streets. Give 'em some breakfast... I also know that if folks letting our children drink eight sodas a day, which some parents do, or, you know, eat a bag of potato chips for lunch, or Popeyes for breakfast [...] You can't do that. Children have to have proper nutrition. That affects also how they study, how they learn in school."
- Its easy to say that you should be a good parent, when he got to ignore the kids all day, and be a senator, a state senator, and president. It is a lot harder when you actually have to watch the kids, change the diapers, 24x7.