Apr 11, 2009

Obama is right to stand against "the excess influence of agribusiness lobbying"

Obama is Right! 

Reasons to agree with Obama:

  1. Big farms located far away are bad.

  2. People should be allowed to have goats, and chickens in the suberbs.

  3. People should grow food not grass. It is a waste of time to plant grass, put fertilizers, pesticides, and weed killer, down, and every week mow a lawn while burning gas in a 2 cylinder engine that spits out carbon dioxide, when you could spend 1/2 the time growing a better looking yard that actually gave you fruits, vegetable, and nuts for free. There should be more local farms, and less giant farms that all produce the same thing.

Reasons to disagree:

  1. Words are cheap. You shouldn't get any credit until you take actions.

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