Showing posts with label Gay marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay marriage. Show all posts

Oct 30, 2011

Opposition to gay marriage is not equivalent of racism

Reasons to agree:

  1. Racism is hatred of those that are different. You can't assume that those who feel that our country will be benefited by opposing gay marriage or motivated by hate. 

  2. Not all people who oppose gay marriage are bad people, but all racist are bad people. 

  3. Victims of racism and homophobia experience similar treatment, but from a political standpoint you can't just say that because one form of discrimination was bad, that all forms of discrimination is bad. Some forms of discrimination are good. It is good to discriminate against people who do bad things. We may disagree about what is a bad activity, but we will all agree that some activities should be discouraged... I know, I know what you want me to do... you want me to give an example of a very bad activity, and then you will scream at me and say how dare I compare being gay to doing that bad activity, and I will say, I wasn't comparing the two, I was just using an extreme example to prove my point, but no matter how much I win the logical debate, you will win the emotional debate, where it appeared that I was comparing being gay to doing this bad thing, which was not my intention. I have no problem with you being gay. I have no problem with gay marriage, really. But I want to play peace maker, and tell gay people that all supporters of DOMA are not bigots. 

Reasons to disagree:

  1. (Leave a comment, and I'll add your argument)

Probable interest of those who agree:

  1. They agree with the argument, outside of any interest or alterior motivation (30%)

  2. Confirmation bias (you decide that you don't like Obama, and so this becomes the prism that you see him. People always root for the home team, because over time they start to show interest, and then each new story tells them they were correct. When the other team acts badly, you get mad. When your team acts badly, you feel justified. You continue to identify with Obama, because you once did). 

  3. Your a Republican. He is on the other team. He is the enemy. 

  4. Party Affiliation Group-ism (Republican)

  5. Racism.

  6. Political laziness and issue crossover (15%)

Probable interest of those who disagree:

# of reasons to agree: 3

# of reasons to disagree: -0

# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

Total Idea Score: 3

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