Showing posts with label Designed Implausibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Designed Implausibility. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2011

Saying that God would test our faith with designed-implausibility, makes God into a pious-fraud.

Reasons to agree

  1. A fraud is someone who says they are something that they are not. God never said he wouldn't hide himself so intellectuals couldn't find him. He does talk about stumbling blocks. I don't think that God tests our faith with designed implausibility, but if he did I wouldn't call him a fraud. I can see why he would do it. He would want nice people who pray, and stuff to make it into heaven, not people that construct logical towers of Babel.

Jesus could have intentionally communicated the Isaiah anachronisms to Mormon and Moroni

Reasons to agree

  1. Our ways are not God's ways.

  2. God did lots of things in the Old Testament, and some in the New Testament, that don't sound ethical to us. But God may not have to live by our definition of ethical.

  3. God could be testing us. "Smart" people won't believe, but people that keep praying, and reading their scriptures will believe, just as God intended.

  1. God would not test our faith with designed-implausibility.

God would not test our faith with designed-implausibility. -2

Reasons to agree: 3

  1. God cannot be said to purposely deceive us, and also be a god of truth. 

  2. Saying that God purposely made his Church hard for intellectuals to accept disrespects God

  3. The normal course of life provide enough stumbling blocks, without designed-implausibility.  What would such a construct of God be salvaging?

Reasons to disagree: -5

  1. God never explains himself. He told Abraham to kill his son. Abraham could have researched if that commandment jived with the other commandments, but we are supposed to believe that it was counted to Abraham for righteousness.

  2. Elijah (?) didn't explain himself when he told that guy to bath in that river (?) to fix his leprosy

  3. We are told that Jesus purposely made the "eat of my flesh" and "drink of my blood" commandment confusing, as a test to weed out his followers.

  4. God's ways are not our ways. 

  5. God doesn't have to follow our rules. 

# of reasons to agree: 3

# of reasons to disagree: -5

# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

Total Idea Score: -2

Related arguments:

  1. Saying there are Old Testament scriptures that support something is meaningless, because so many Old Scriptures contradict each other.

  2. Saying there are Old Testament scriptures that support something is meaningless, because so many Old Scriptures contradict the New Testament.

  3. Saying there are Old Testament scriptures that support something is meaningless, because so many Old Scriptures can be used to do terrible things.