Nov 27, 2012

James is tall and growing fast (+0, unresolved)

Megan took James to his yearly doctors appointment. James was cute, and asked many time: "what are you doing to me". He didn't try to stop the nurse when she gave him the nasal inhaler flu shot.

James is tall and growing fast (+1, unresolved)

Best reasons to agree: +3
  1. He is in the 95.72 percentile. This means of 100 kids, 4.28 of them would be taller. 
  2. He gained 7 lbs, and 3" this year. 
  3. We could say that we are using the McDonald's systems of measurement: small, medium, and large. Using these categories we could sort of "grade on a curve" and decide 33% of people are small, 33% of people are average, and 33% of people are tall. James, at 95.72 percentile, would be in the "tall" category as long as the sample population is limited to people born in O4. 
  4. James has doubled his size in just a few years. The universe will take billions of years to double its size. Therefore, James is growing fast. 
  1. Some pumpkins can grow 40 lbs a day. All things being relative, James is not growing fast.
  2. Robert Pershing Wadlow was 8'-11". All things being relative, James is not tall. 
Best Images that agree: -1
Opposing Values between those who agree and disagree:

Interest of those who agree:

Interest of those who agree:

# of reasons to agree: +4
# of reasons to disagree: -3
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0
Total Idea Score: +1


I'm looking for items from everyday life that I can turn into conclusions, with evidence to support them. 

I hate it when people state opinion as facts, and don't have evidence to support their beliefs. And so at the risk of sounding weird, I'll give my evidence to believe the above conclusion. 

See here for an explanation of my plan. 

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