Nov 14, 2012

Governments are inefficient

  1. Governments are monopolistic and monopolies (lack of competition) lead to inefficiency. People are not as strongly motivated to improve when they have a monopoly.
  2. Big organizations are hard to change and change is needed in order to continually ensure organizations maximize efficiency. Very few organizations are able to stay efficient over time. Only one fortune 100 company from 1900 is still on the list.
  3. Governments tend to have inefficient policies
  4. Governments don't have to be efficient in order to get money and Organizations that don't have to be efficient will not choose to be efficient 
  5. Very few organizations are able to stay efficient over time. 
  6. Governments don't reward efficiency as well as the private sector. 
  7. Governments don't punish inefficiency as well as the private sector. Businesses that aren't efficient go out of business.

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