Feb 28, 2008

Jihadism is this century’s nightmare. What do you think?

Reasons to disagree

  1. More people die from alcohol than terrorism. 85,000 people die each year because of alcohol Link
    1. 5% of all deaths from diseases of the circulatory system are attributed to alcohol.
    2. 15% of all deaths from diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to alcohol.
    3. 30% of all deaths from accidents caused by fire and flames are attributed to alcohol.
    4. 30% of all accidental drownings are attributed to alcohol.
    5. 30% of all suicides are attributed to alcohol.
    6. 40% of all deaths due to accidental falls are attributed to alcohol.
    7. 45% of all deaths in automobile accidents are attributed to alcohol.
    8. 60% of all homicides are attributed to alcohol.
    9. 100,000 deaths. That's more than a statistic. That is 100,000 individuals with faces. 100,000 individuals with lives not fully lived. 100,000 individuals grieved by mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and children. Every year.
  2. An aggressive China that is willing to kill thousands of people in order to expand, would be this century's nightmare.

Reasons to agree
  1. Jihadist are the only people who would use a nuclear weapon.
  2. A nuclear weapon would destroy men, women, children. It would destroy homes, and make property un-usable for thousands of years.
  3. Some of the people who die from Alcohol, are just killing themselves. Those who would be killed from a nuclear bomb, would be mostly innocent.
  4. There can be more than one nightmare. China could go bad, but Jihadism is more likely to.

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