Jan 11, 2008

From Miguel

I believe that John McCain is not being confronted enough on these debates with his immigration record.  What is not getting enough coverage is that when asked about his immigration bill, he never apoligizes for it.  He says we need to restore trust in goverment first by securing the borders.  Translation: you guys are very mad at me, once you come down a little bit, you are getting amnesty for ilegals.  This needs to be brought up in one of these debates, someone needs to get the senator to answer whether he still supports alowing illegals to stay here or not.
And Gov Romney shouldnt let him keep reminding us about his stand in Iraq.  Next time he brings it up he should ask him if we are supposed to forget about amnesty for illegals because of his support of the surge.  Or are we supposed to forget about Campaign finance reform, or forget about describing the Bush Tax cuts using the democrats talking points that they were tax cuts for the rich?
Romney should remind people that if it wasn't for the senators support of the war in Iraq and support of prolife issues, he has far more in common with liberal democrats than he does with Reagan conservatives.
That would be straight talk.

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