Jan 18, 2008

Are you sure Johnson was typing? He was dressed to play virtual Dungeons & Dragons.

This is why people hate the media, especially AP

Posted January 17th, 2008 at 4:20 PM by Jon Ham

Check out AP reporter Glen Johnson badgering Mitt Romney in South Carolina. He's slouching in a chair like Jabba the Hut. pecking at his laptop, and being as obnoxious as he possibly can. Go to the every end where the man tells him to just "be professional," which he certainly was not.

If you want to read some of Johnson's "objective" stories on Romney, here's a good example. Once a reporter uses the verb "rail" when characterizing a politician, you know where he stands.

And here's an "analysis," which is newspaper speak for "I get to say any damn thing I want." Too bad you don't see this kind of AP coverage of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.

And here's a cute one trying to smear Romney with the polygamy practiced by his great-grandfather. (Sorry, but the link to the original story seems to be bad.)

It must have killed him to have to report Romney's win in Michigan. Check out his tortured lede (emphasis added):

Mitt Romney scored his first major primary victory Tuesday, a desperately needed win in his native Michigan that gave his weakened presidential candidacy new life. It set the stage for a wide-open Republican showdown in South Carolina in just four days.

UPDATE: If you want to know what AP's agenda is, read this piece of drek from Ron Fournier.

The former Massachusetts governor pandered to voters, distorted his opponents' record and continued to show why he's the most malleable — and least credible — major presidential candidate.

And it worked.

More proof that liberals hate achievement, I guess. And then he added:

The man who spoke hard truths to Michigan lost.

That man, according to Fournier, is John McCain, the liberal media's favorite Republican.

2 Responses to "This is why people hate the media, especially AP"

  1. Jon Sanders Says:

    Are you sure Johnson was typing? He was dressed to play virtual Dungeons & Dragons.

    And Fournier has had some odd columns in his day.

  2. Jon Sanders Says:

    Right now ABC News video (via Yahoo) is advertising the video under the heading: "Riled! Angry Romney rips reporter."

    To the depths with ABC for making me defend Romney, but I've watched the video twice, and as best I can tell, the only two words in that heading that are accurate are "Romney" and "reporter." Romney did not show anger, he wasn't riled, and if that's what ABC defines as getting ripped, they wouldn't last five minutes on the sidelines at a Pee Wee football game.

    If anything, Romney looked incredulous and annoyed that anyone could be that dense. A more accurate heading would have been "Dunderhead! Rude reporter badgers Romney."

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