Dec 22, 2007

From Jeff

From John King on a bus in Iowa.  Sure he cut some taxes (raised far more), but how does he get away with claiming that he cut spending?

$6.7 Billion to $16 AR state budget over his tenure . . . OVER THREE TIMES THE RATE OF INFLATION.  So me the "cut spending" record Huck!

Just another Huckabee lie (I can't see any other explanation, can you?)


PS  Bonus material:  Huck said that he's not sure if he actually wrote the words "arrogant bunker mentality", but he "owns them now." - - - a wimpy attempt to blame a speech writer for that gaffe.  However he also said nearly those same words over two months ago.

Also, Huck complained on that bus that he's pretty sure that Rice didn't read his whole essay, because if she did, she wouldn't be criticizing it (the same thing he said about Romney's critiques).

I loved Charles Krauthammer's response to that.  "So essentially Huckabee's saying: 'I wish she would have read that article that I didn't write'" . . . Man that's an instant classic!

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