Dec 26, 2007

From Jeff

Do we want to choose a nominee that has the media plugging and defending them?  If they're in need of it now to rise in the polls do you think they'll get it during the general election?   NO!  The Media, will support the Dem. The same media that is pumping McCain in NH and elsewhere is going to drop him if he's the nominee.
Rather, how about having a candidate that's been routinely savaged by the media with personal character attacks, gross distortions of his record, and misleading propaganda.  Which do you think will have a better chance in the general election . . . the one who's a frontrunner DESPITE the MSM coverage or the one(s) that are challengers BECAUSE of the MSM coverage? McCain always said that the media is his base..., NH is just the latest proof. NH is just a microcosm of this phenomenon.

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