Dec 9, 2007

According to Rebecca Walsh…

… Anyone who says that they believe in Jesus, and doesn't mention atheist along as one of the 3 best parts of America's "faith tradition" is "propping up bigots"…

I know it sounds like I am exaggerating, but that is exactly what Ms (assumption) Walsh says. She uses these two facts 1. Romney mentioned that he believed in Jesus Christ, 2. Romney did not mention atheist in his speech about RELIGION, and so he is "propping up bigots"…

Listen to the hatred directed at Romney for these two unforgivable sins:
  1. Romney, "reduced to a faith litmus test"
  2. Said; "God bless America" at the end of his speech (which of course Bill Clinton also said at the end of his speeches)
  3. Presented an "arbitrary world-religions spectrum" (is their a non arbitrary world-religion spectrum)
  4. "dispatched American nonbelievers with a sentence"

Lets think about this logic for a second, because it is the same logic everyone on hot air is using… Romney never said anything bad about atheist… that's the problem, according to Rebecca and Michele Malkin and Rebecca… Romney is "propping up bigots" because he didn't mention atheist in his list of 3 specific religions that he mentioned as examples of contributing to America's "faith tradition".

Lets continue the list of Romney's unforgivable sins…

5.   "made himself a supplicant to Jesus Christ" (they have been asking what Romney believes for 16 months and now that he says he believes in Jesus he has "made himself a supplicant to Jesus Christ)
6.   "pandering to the Moral Majority by infusing government with Judeo-Christian values and practices". So this would be bad? Why would this be bad? She does not like "Judeo-Christian values"? The only practices Romney advocated was that we allow god to stay on our currency, and allow Hanukkah and Christmas stuff. See that is the thing. These people are totally distorting what Romney said. No worse than distorting, they are totally lying about what he said.
7.   "According to the Romney-Bush version of this country's past and present, the president is "Believer in Chief." Is that what Romney said? Of course Ms. Walsh is going to give you a link to the speech, so you can decide for yourself right? Right? Nope.
8.   Made, "no more private prayer in American politics." Have you ever seen Romney pray in private? Is she saying that she is un-aware that the supreme court, and congress have always had "public prayer". See this is how stupid this stuff gets.
9. "  Romney seemed to miss the part where he was a victim in all this. He rightly confronted persistent, virulent bigotry against Mormons. At the same time, he propped up the very bigots who forced his speech in the first place." How does Romney prop "up the very bigots who forced his speech in the first place." America can keep "in god we trust" on our money and still elect those who are from religions minorities. Ms. Walsh believes that America must become totally secular in order for religious minorities to have rights. She believes this as a matter of faith. This is her religion, because she never gives any reasons to agree with her, trying to use logical arguments, she just states her conclusion, as if she just came with tablets from the mount. If she actually tried to use logical arguments, instead of stating a list of conclusions, she would eventually bump into the fact that France is a much more secular society, and a much worse place for religious minorities.

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