Aug 1, 2007

Romney's Opens Checkbook for Troops


Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he will donate $25,000 to seven organizations dedicated to supporting troops, and he urged the public to engage in a "surge of support" for those on the battlefield.

The ... elicited loud applause as Romney toured a high-tech assembly facility in Milford, NH and visited Moulton's Market a few minutes away in Amherst....

"There's a lot of talk about supporting our troops," he told the employees of Cirtronics. "Let's have a surge of support while there's such a surge of sacrifice going on in our country."

At each stop, Romney also took the opportunity to slam South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, who said Monday that a positive report from Gen. David Petraeus on progress in Iraq "would be a problem for us." Romney demanded clarification from Clyburn.

"Sometimes they say things they ought to withdraw," he told reporters.

Romney's website now lists links to the seven organizations so people can donate if they want... Asked whether he believed his rivals in the presidential contest should contribute, Romney demurred.

"No, this is a personal decision," he said. "Different people have different financial circumstances."

But will they? No word yet. But the Trail wouldn't be surprised if links to the support groups didn't start popping up on other candidate websites pretty soon.

--Michael D. Shear

Posted at 4:39 PM ET on Aug 1, 2007
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