Jul 11, 2007

Trevor Whiting

Trevor Whiting has sent me an e-mail giving his reason " Why I Support Mitt Romney for President". He says:

My support for Mitt Romney is this!
  • He is a problem-solver (Every thing he touches turns to gold)
  • He has a good track record of "making things happen"
  • Knows how to gain favor of those that may have opposite views
  • strong emotional backround
  • strongest sense of leadership
  • accomplishments and achievements exceed other candidates
  • He will help lower our taxes
  • whether you like it or not the fact that he has only been married once says alot about character....and also commitment
What do you think about this list? What are your reasons?

~ Mike

1 comment:

  1. Mitt Romney is a full-throttle ‘Reagan Republican” type of leader who has everything that is going to be needed to not only reinvigorate the conservative movement and the Republican party, but to ultimately DEFEAT Billary Clinton’s attempt to re-enter the White House in 2008 to finish their job with HillaryCare 2 socialism to destroy America as we know it today.

    You can’t help but feel hopeful when listening or watching Mitt Romney speaking of his hope and vision for America.

    Mitt is the only candidate that seems to understand the Islamic Jihad threat we face-and how to actually DEFEAT it. Mitt is very intelligent, has charm and wit, good looks and charisma, and has well thought-out strategies and plans for solving America’s most pressing problems and challenges. Mitt has a PROVEN track record of accomplishment, has plans to reform government through innovation and transformational streamlining of government beuaracracies and services, and is a visionary who exudes confidence and hope.

    Mitt is a tax-cutting, veto-loving, fiscal conservative who ran in the most liberal state and took a huge deficit and turned it into a huge surplus. He saved our nation from disasterous shame by turning around the Utah Olympics from certain calamity to a resounding success.

    Like you said, everything Mitt has touched has turned to gold, and in the case of Bain Capital, literally.

    With threats mounting from our enemies, to a government that cannot get passports to us on time, to Democrats willing to vote for a cut-n-run stratedy for U.S. defeat in Iraq (and a big win for Iran and al-queda), to stunning incompetence from the White House, America NEEDS Mitt Romney now more than ever!
