May 31, 2007

John and Cisco:


Cisco this morning gave the standard explanation of how a candidate from Massachusetts can run for president. He said Romney has changed his position on everything, and that he is now Running against Massachusetts. Then he turned around and said that Fred Thompson was viable because he could say that he has been to Washington, and Hollywood and could say that he hated them both. John tried to say that Rudy is doing the same thing as Romney. Speaking up their ability to work with the democrats, and pointing out the difficult political battles they had to fight in Massachusetts and New York City.


Cisco tries to come across as the smart one, but it falls pretty flat some times. John asked how what Romney is doing is different than Rudy. Cisco ignored that, and went on to totally contradict himself with the Fred Thompson can win by running against Washington and Hollywood.


Cisco is trying to have it both ways, saying Thompson can run against Hollywood and Washington, but Mitt can't mention the battles he had in Massachusetts .


Cisco explained his contradiction by saying that Romney changed. He used to be liberal now he is conservative. This just is not a fact, and I am tired of listening to people who get paid to tell us what they think that are too lazy to even read a wikipedia article about the people they are talking about.


If Cisco read Mitt Romney's wikipedia article, he would realize that abortion is the only thing Mitt has changed.


But people don't believe it. They don't see a conservative could have won in Massachusetts, so they just assume Mitt Romney has changed. The fact of the matter is that Mitt Romney ran on competence, and even people in Massachusetts don't like to pay higher taxes. Even people in Massachusetts don't like gross incompetence. Even people in Massachusetts want someone who did well in school. Mitt Romney graduated at the top of his class with two degrees in Harvard in 5 years. As a baker scholar from Harvard Business school, and Cume Lade from Harvard Law school. The person that Mitt Romney beat for Governor was too liberal even for Massachusetts. People in Massachusetts liked that Romney was able to turn around Bain Capital, hundred of struggling companies, and the 2002 winter Olympics.


Cisco needs to read these links:

From 1994:



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