Mar 23, 2007

Death by a thousand idiots...

Here is another example of the lie that the MSM keeps repeating about Romney.

"Critics have accused Romney of shifting his position on abortion, gun control and gay rights to suit a conservative national GOP electorate now that he's no longer governor of a liberal-leaning state."

Does it matter what critics say, if it is blatantly untrue? Should the Washington Post repeat criticisms that have no foundation in truth?

The Washington post will say, "it's not our fault, we are just repeating what others have accused Romney of." It's not our job to bring you the truth, we just report the news.

This is the problem with the media. Because they are so liberal, we can never trust them.

I just told my friend that Hillary Clinton picks her nose. If Hillary Clinton was the most conservative individual in the race, the Washington Post would say, "Critics say Hillary Clinton Picks here nose" without even looking into any evidence to support the accusation.

There is no evidence to support the belief that Romney has changed his position on gun control, and gay rights. Any reporter that quotes "critics" that accuse Romney of changing positions on these topics is wholly owned by the DNC.

~ Mike

Permalink 02:23:41 pm, Categories: 2008, 541 words   English (US)


Yesterday on NPR I heard some smug, intellectually vapid, self-righteous, commentator reviewing, as the political expert, the chances of all the 2008 candidates. They were asking if any of the candidates had a "big idea". He claimed that Mitt Romney was "for abortion rights and gay rights before he was against them" and he actually laughed at what he thought was his joke, as though we haven't heard the same moronic drooling commentators repeating the same DNC slogan for how long now?

Every single person on the planet fits, on a continuum between the person who believes any birth control at all is evil, and the belief that murder of an 18 year old should be allowed. Mitt Romney went from being personally pro-life, but not imposing his view on the citizens of Massachusetts, and declaring a truce on the issue, to making a pro-life stance. This is a change in wording not policy. There are many pro-life people who believe, like Romney, that Abortion should be legal in Massachusetts.

But Romney is still for abortion rights! He believes that in the case of rape, incest, or the life of the mother, abortions should be legal. Even this is a vast oversimplification. Romney believes states should have the right to set their own policy with regard to abortion. Romney is, like every person on the planet, also against some abortion rights. H, like every other sane person on the planet, would not through a party, and give someone a nice "congratulations… good job!" if they had a late term abortion on a 9-month old fetus/baby."

So this jerk, who made a joke out of Romney's belief is laughing at everyone on the planet including himself. I have a different belief on abortion every day you ask me, just like the American public.

But the reference to being "for abortion rights and gay rights before you were against them" compares Romney to John Kerry. Is this a good comparison? How many different positions could John Kerry take on giving the president the right to declare war on Iraq? There were two possibilities: Give President Bush the right to declare war, or don't give the president the right to declare war. So John Kerry was being a complete idiot when he said that ""I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

No John. There were only two options with regard to funding. However on Abortion there are as many different positions as there are people. And Ms. NPR commentator, Romney has not changed his position on Civil Unions, or Gay Marriage (see above). Romney has not even changed his policy on abortion. He has just changed what he is calling himself. He did not want to call himself pro-life. Now he does. He has always been for the right of mothers to have abortions, if they were raped, had incest, or the mother's life was in danger. These are specific positions. He has never changed his position. He has just changed what he calls himself. John Kerry tried explaining actually positions. He tried taking both side of a simple policy. Romney has changed the way he talks about himself on a single very complicated issue.

~ Mike

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure exactly where you were going with your defense of Romney's position on abortion. The fact of the matter is that xQWabortion is immoral and probably unconstitutional. The Constitution is blunt in its protections against people being “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”. And the Fifth Amendment is not the only place in the Constitution that could be easily seen as protecting the unborn.

    Mitt's position on abortion is the one reason why it's toughest for me to fully commit to him as a Presidential candidate. And your defense of him not really changing his position is not at all helpful to me. I want a candidate with spine on this extremely important issue. From what I've read, Senator Tom Coburn (an obstetrician/gynecologist by trade) has said that any doctor who performs an elective abortion should get the death penalty. Now that would be spine! Too bad it doesn’t look like he’s running for President. I'm not sure that Romney needs to go so far, although I’d love it, but I do not agree that this is an issue of states' rights either. Civil rights are rights which MUST be federally protected. One state cannot say that they have the right to refuse equally qualified black students from entering state schools. The same goes with abortion. The right to life is the most basic of all civil rights, so even though I like Mr. Romney for a lot of reasons, he is 100% wrong on this being an issue to be left to the states, and I'm sick of hearing other "conservatives" who have regurgitated this argument in regard to what would happen if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. The power to decide if people are allowed to live does not go back to the several states. That power belongs to God alone, and it has been the job of the federal government to protect the lives of the American people since the Declaration of Independence.
