Feb 13, 2007

Examples of Governor Mitt Romney’s Innovations

  1. Redirecting government money formerly spent re-reimbursing emergency rooms, instead paying for health insurance premiums (more}
  2. Modifying the Massachusetts homeless policy of putting new people at the shelter into hotels, and putting those who have been in the shelter the longest into hotels, resulting in millions of dollars saved, and homeless people no longer going to hotels. (more)
  3. Negotiating a system, the only in the country according to my knowledge, that allowed state troopers to help out with illegal immigration. (more)
  4. Governor Mitt Romney supported innovation by leading his state as the only state in the union to adopt the use of only open standard software such as star office. (more)
  5. Governor Mitt Romney also supports innovation by wanting companies to spend more on R&D than lawsuits. "Another burden on our economic future is our out-of-control tort system. Last year, U.S. corporations spent more money on tort claims than they did on R&D."
  6. Mitt Romney is a tireless advocate of raising our school's test scores so that we can have the talent in engineering, math, and science that will allow us to stay competitive. "America and America's youth are less and less competitive. Yes, fixing our schools is a social responsibility. It is also a national economic and national security necessity." Governor Mitt Romney, Oral Testimony of Governor Mitt Romney House Committee on Education and the Workforce
  7. Mitt Romney created the Entrepreneurial Spirit Award that brought attention to innovative small businesses in Massachusetts.
  8. Romney promoted a competition in Massachusetts that rewarded cities with innovative approaches to smart growth. 04-19-2005 Press Release
  9. Mitt Romney had to do some innovative things to turn around Bain, create Bain Capital, save the 2002 Winter Olympics, and balance the budget in Massachusetts without raising taxes. I know he was very methodical at the way that he came in and saved Bain. He made a deal with all of the executives, with kind of an innovative deal that he would only take the CEO position given certain requirements. At the time, the whole field of venture capitalism was very innovative, and I think Romney was a pioneer of the industry. Also the 2002 Olympics had very innovative aspects to it, as far as cost saving methods, and the use of volunteers.
This are just some of the top things that came to my mind. It only took me a few seconds, and I know you will have many more examples. Please help me, I think this is very important.

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