Jan 5, 2007

WoldNetDaily . . . get the word out that they're hypocritical and anti-Romney

Maybe I went a little far in my responses to the journalist below.  However, it looks like WorldNetDaily is goint to be pretty blatantly anti-Romney.

Look at the links to the two stories they ran on Jan 2nd.  What a juxtaposition and it solidifies their anti-Romney bias.


Some other stuff they've had up:

"Sexual fascism is alive and well in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, thanks to liberal Republicans. And don't look to Gov. Mitt Romney for help on this. He has yet to take a strong position that affirms traditional marriage or protects our kids against homosexuality." (dated Oct 2006) . . . she must have been living in a hole!!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Fuller <jfuller@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 3, 2007 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: Mitt ROmney Gay Marriage piece.
To: runruh@wnd.com

In addition . . .


That there is no reference to Romney (the lead plantiff in the law suit) and his leadership in this effort to get the issue on the ballot just reaks of an anti-Romney agenda.  I'll make sure to bookmark these two stroies on the same day as a clear sign of dishonest "reporting" of the news.  I'll make sure to alert my blogger friends to help spread the word that your site is not to be a trusted source of honest news . . . unless I'm missing something (I'll wait to hear your response).



On 1/3/07, Jeff Fuller <jfuller@gmail.com> wrote:
Mr. Unruh,

I'm saddened and sickened that you ran that "hate piece" against Romney, the politician who has fought the best fight possible against gay Marriage in Massachusetts.  Haskins arguements are hollow and illogical.  To blame gay marriage in MA on Romney is absurd and you're jeapordizing your credibility by running stuff like this. 

Romney has always been against gay marriage (in '94 & '02 campaigns, and throughout his tenure as Gov).  He is a Harvard trained JD and has great legal counsel.  He got the 1913 law to stand to prevent other state couples from coming to MA.  He looked for any remedy and/or loophole possible and has led the fight to get the issue on the ballot.  To attack the man who has been "fighting the good fight" on the most inhospitable territory cries of "I've got something against Romney" and many of us know what the "hidden agenda" is.

Jeff Fuller

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