Apr 11, 2009

Obama is wrong about Republicans

Obama is Wrong:
Obama said: "The Republicans may have a different attitude, because they haven’t been appearing before forums that are diverse. The policies that they have promoted have not been good at providing ladders for upward mobility and opportunity for all people. That is a fight that all of us will fight. But I don’t want us to get drawn into this notion that somehow this is going to be a race that splits along racial lines. Source: 2008 Congressional Black Caucus Democratic debate Jan 21, 2008.

Reasons to disagree with Obama:
  1. Obama said that republican policies, "have not been good at providing ladders for upward mobility and opportunity for all people". However democrats have been in a majority in all the places most hard hit by poverty for the last 60 years. We have spent hundreds of trillions of dollars on poverty. Democrats have been in charge in New Orleans, for decades, but somehow republicans got blamed for their problems. Democrats have been in charge in all the places hit by poverty for a long time it is their policies that destroyed the family that destroyed initiative that created families that never got jobs, but lived off the welfare system. It is the democratic policies that have failed. It is republican policies that have not been given a chance in these democratic strong holds. 

  2. Republicans are not in charge in Detroit. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
  3. Republicans are not in charge in Chicago. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
  4. Republicans are not in charge in New York. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
  5. Republicans are not in charge in Las Angleles. Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.
  6. Republicans are not in charge in New Orleans.  Republicans can not be blamed for these problems.

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