Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art. Show all posts

Apr 13, 2013

Dan Price is a good artistic role model +1

  1. Cameras can re-create images perfectly. Photo-realism can be achieved with very little money. 
  2. Its cool how Dan writes stuff with images. 
  1. Dan Price draws things he sees. Everyone's life is important. It is important to value your life, and to really look at the stuff around you. Sketching it force you to really see it, but sometimes art should do more... you can say important, powerful things visually... You can create something that makes people think, and act differently. Dan does this, but maybe it is more important to focus on doing a few really awesome paintings, or creations, instead of a exploring a whole bunch of new places... Its not like their is a right or a wrong... Every artist should do what their attention to detail, and boredom push them to do, but you shouldn't do all your art like Dan's. 

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Images That agree

Oct 6, 2012

Chicagoland has cool sculputres

Images that agree:

    • Ali @ the Mortin Arboratum, Aug 11, 2012
    • James @ the Mortin Arboratum, Aug 11, 2012
    • James and Ali at the Brookfield Zoo. The lion is fighting a snake. Locate at: N 41° 50.100 W 087° 50.075