Obama is right to think that it is Ok to expose 6-year-olds to gay couples, but wrong to think the government should make this choice

Q: Last year some parents of second graders in Lexington, Massachusetts, were outraged to learn their children’s teacher had read a story about same-sex marriage, about a prince who marries another prince. Would you be comfortable having this story read to your children as part of their school curriculum?
A: My 9-year-old and my 6-year-old are already aware that there are same-sex couples. And my wife and I have talked about it. And one of the things I want to communicate to my children is not to be afraid of people who are different, and because there have been times in our history where I was considered different. And one of the things I think the next president has to do is to stop fanning people’s fears.
Q: Have you sat down with your daughters to talk about same-sex marriage?
A: My wife has.
Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate at Dartmouth College Sep 6, 2007
Reasons to agree:

  1. People get very upset with government. They want it to do all these things and have all these powers, but then they get upset with the things it does that they don't like. The only way to solve it is to keep the government totally out of the raising children, business. That should be up to parents and gaurdians. If you push to give the government power to promote your way of life, you or your children are going to suffer some consequence, because you gave the government power to meddle, and someday you won't like the decision it makes with the power you gave it.
  2. When I say that government forces people, I'm talking about parents in Massachusetts that are not given the option to exclude their six year olds from hearing about "A king and A king" gay children's stories.
  3. Obama is not sending his kids to private school. He gets to choose what his children are exposed to. However poor kids have to be exposed to whatever social experiments those in power feel like playing at the time.

PS: This post is kind of complicated. I say that Obama is ok to make that decision himself, but his support of gay marrage in California, would mean that parents would no longer get to be involved in these types of decisions, because parents in Massachussetts were refused this right when they passed gay marriage. So I am saying Obama is both right and wrong. If you disagree that that is an OK decision for parents or teachers to make, I would love to hear your arguments, however I think the decision is a good one for parents to make, but a bad one for teachers to make.

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