Showing posts with label Lies from the Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lies from the Church. Show all posts

Oct 28, 2012

The LDS church lies about Joseph Smith

Reasons to agree: +2

  1. My mission president told us that Joseph Smith never consummated any of his marriages to any of his wives but Emma. However, I've heard that, when the re-organized church was saying he never practiced Polygamy, Brigham Young got sworn affidavits from women in Utah, that he consummated their relationship  That they were married in every sense of the word. 

  2. Not telling all the truth, and letting people make up their own minds is a form of lying. If the church really wanted to be 100% honest, like the 10 commandments teach, they should frankley admit Joseph Smiths mistakes.

Reasons to disagree: -0


# of reasons to agree: 2

# of reasons to disagree: -0

# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: 0

# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0

Total Idea Score: 0

Website that agree: +2

  1.'s_wives. I grew up in the church in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. I never knew any of this stuff.


Websites that disagree: -2

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