May 4, 2014

"The Plains" is a good Conservation Center +7

Background, Context, and Assumptions

  3. We need conservation centers
  4. The state should pay for conservation centers.
  5. The state should have conversations centers near major towns? Perhaps not. They keep rattle snakes, which is OK I guess. But deer are not endangered. In fact, sense we killed off wovles their are probably too many of them. I guess it is good for for people who live in cities to see them, but they also get hit by cars a lot. When you put conservation centers in places where cities are trying to grow, you are forcing people to drive further. Sure, you could develop more densely, but your not so your only options for a particular piece of land is subdivision nearer the city, or on the other side of the conservation center, and their is an argument to be said to move all the "conversations centers" further away from the cities... But, I guess people need parks and stuff, and public spaces...

Best reasons to agree: +
  1. They have Prairy Dogs
  2. They have snakes
  3. They have an old fashioned play ground, with a giant sand box.
  4. They have over 5 miles of hiking trails.
  5. They have a visitor center with live animal displays and interactive exhibits
  6. They have a 1837 Cheyenne Indian camp
  7. They have a replica 1887 sod homestead with soddies, one-room schoolhouse, workshop with blacksmith forge, and farm animals.

# of reasons to agree: +3
# of reasons to disagree: -3
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0
Total Idea Score: +0

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Blog Explanation
Besides just trying to come up with a list of reasons to agree or disagree, I am trying to promote an algorithm, that counts these reasons and gives each conclusion a score based on the number of reasons to agree compared to the number of reasons to disagree. However, because each reason (or argument) that supports a conclusion will not be just as valid as the other arguments, I think an algorithm should be made that also judges REASONS or arguments based on the number of REASONS that agree or disagree with them...

This blog is trying to use this format of outlining arguments and sub arguments.

Below is my score, so far, for the above belief. The score is based on arguments that I have come up with so far. But I need your help. I can't brainstorm all the reasons to agree or disagree with an argument by myself. And the number of arguments that agree or disagree with a conclusion will affect the overall score.  

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