Nov 11, 2012

The Republican party has taken a fairly radical position on things like freedom of and from religion

Reasons to agree: +

  1. It was radical of Democrats to remove any reference to God from their platform. Radical means outside of the majority. Most Americans think it is OK to reference God periodically and are right. After World War, we had to prosecute war criminals. It is hard to prosecute people in a war, because they take an oath to do what their leaders tell them. We felt that when we pledged allegiance to our country that it was wrong to pledge absolute allegiance, and it is. We shouldn't hand our brain and soul to our government. We should promise to do what our country tells us to do, as long our our country is acting within a moral code. The most efficient way of accomplishing this is to ask each person to promise to support the country, as long as the country is doing what they think someone they want to worship is OK with that support. 
  2. You can disagree with official school prayers, but still think the Democrats went to far by removing any reference to God from their platform. 
  3. Sure, Mike Huckabee and Rich Santorum mixed religion and politics too much, but so did Reverend Wright.
# of reasons to agree: +3
# of reasons to disagree: -0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to agree: +0
# of reasons to agree with reasons to disagree: -0
Total Idea Score: +3
Don't like the score? It is easy to change the score. Just post a reason to agree or disagree with the overall idea, or any of the reasons and the score will change.


  1. Leave a comment with a link to a photo, and I'll add it. 
Videos That agree: +

  1. Religulous by Bill Maher
  1. The South Park episode about Richard Dawkins
Valid Interest of those who agree: + (help me put the more valid interest towards the top of the lists)
  1. An honest support of the Separation of Church and State
  2. Emotional validating their decision to not be religious. (I can reject your beliefs and still be a good person). 
  3. Group solidarity. (I am going to signal solidarity with my friends and family, who have also chosen similar paths by publicly criticizing those who have made other decisions.)
  4. The desire to disagree with tradition. The desire to say that you are smarter than people that went before. The desire to make something new. 
Valid Interest of those who disagree: - (help me put the more valid interest towards the top of the lists)
  1. Not throwing out the baby with the bath water. Our country was pretty good for a long time, why do we have to change everything all of a sudden? 
  2. If you can't afford to send your kids to elite private schools, or get them a good start on life, perhaps the best way to ensure they don't mess things up too bad is to try to raise them up in a faith that keeps them from making bad mistakes. The belief that public confessions of faith will help guide your kids, and keep them out of trouble. 
  3. Emotionally validating their decision to be religious (my decision to be religious proves that I am a good person. I am going to signal solidarity with my friends and family, who have also chosen similar paths by publicly criticizing those who have made other decisions). 
  4. The desire to stick with tradition.
  5. The desire to stick with a decision made early in life. Emotional investment. I have being saying these things so long, that I believe them, and it is too hard to change now. This is part of who I am. This is what I have told people I believe. I can't just go changing all the time. 

  1. The desire to do the math required to figure out that we are headed towards a fiscal cliff. 
  2. The desire to face our problems, or pretend they don't exist. 
Podcast that agree: +
Podcast that disagree: -
Unbiased Experts who agree: +

Unbiased Experts who disagree: -

Books that agree: +

Books that  disagree: -

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