Jan 19, 2008


Throughout the state of Nevada this morning, people gathered at their local caucus site and cast their vote for change in Washington.  With this important victory in the heart of the West, Governor Romney will continue traveling across the country calling for change in a Washington that is fundamentally broken.  Governor Romney issued the following statement concerning his victory in Nevada:
"Today, the people of Nevada voted for change in Washington.  For far too long, our leaders have promised to take the action necessary to build a stronger America, and still the people of Nevada and all across this country are waiting.  Whether it is reforming health care, making America energy independent or securing the border, the American people have been promised much and are now ready for change.
"The need for change is even more apparent today as our economy faces challenges both here at home and abroad.  For decades, we have talked about the long-term economic challenges confronting our country but still the tax burden is too high, business is stifled by regulations and more money goes to defending against junk lawsuits than promoting research and innovation.  Now, Washington must act and take the steps necessary to strengthen our economy.  With a career spent turning around businesses, creating jobs and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to get my hands on Washington and turn it inside out."
And here are some fast facts and demographics information on Nevada:
Swing state: Nevada is a key swing state that has been decided by 4 percentage points or fewer in each of the last four general elections.
General election: Winning presidential candidates have carried Nevada in every election since 1976, and in 23 of the last 24 presidential elections.
Large Hispanic block of voters: Nevada is the first GOP primary state with a significant Hispanic population—10% of all votes cast in 2004 were by Hispanic voters, and the number of Hispanic voters will likely be even higher this year. 
Fastest growing state in the nation: According to the US Census Bureau, Nevada is the fastest-growing state in the nation—its population grew 2.9 percent in the past year, and has more than doubled since 1990.  By 2030, Nevada is projected to have almost as many residents as Iowa and New Hampshire combined.
The median household income in Nevada is $52,998, slightly above the US average of $48,451 (Census Bureau)
19.1% of Nevadans were born outside the US, significantly higher than the nationwide average of 12.5% (Census Bureau)
12% of Nevada voters say they are "white conservative Protestants" (2004 VNS Exit Poll)
By comparison, just 7.4% of Nevada residents belong to the LDS Church (Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1990)
Nevada ranks 47th in the US in percent of married couples as a proportion of all households, at 47.4%, compared to the nationwide average of 49.7% (Census Bureau)

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