Oct 31, 2007

All Paths to Conservative Health Care

All Paths to Conservative Health Care seem to lead through Mitt Romney. Though none of the other canidates seem willing to give Romney any praise for innovating the consumer-centered approach, the all seem to have adopted it into their plans.

“Credit for starting from a consumer-centered approach goes principally to former Governor Mitt Romney and his administration.”-Edmund F. Haislmaier, Heritage Foundation

Fred Thompson

"Every American should be able to get health insurance coverage that is affordable, fully accessible, and portable. Coverage should meet their individual needs and put them in control."

"I am committed to a healthcare system that:""Increases competition and consumer choice while streamlining regulations through free-market solutions that benefit individuals and reduce costs for employers."

Rudy Giuliani

"The radio ad which begins running in New Hampshire tomorrow emphasizes the need to find free-market solutions that facilitate consumer-driven health care"

Mike Huckabee

"I value the states' role as laboratories for new market-based approaches."

"It is time to recognize that jobs don't need health care, people do, and move from employer-based to consumer-based health care."

John McCain

"I offer a genuinely conservative vision for health care reform, which preserves the most essential value of American lives - freedom."

"When an American family controls its own health care financing, has a wide variety of low-cost, innovative choices, and receives insurance through a sponsor they trust"

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