Aug 6, 2007

re: Romney’s Radical Roots from Mark Hemingway

I don't know if in the long run the fact that Jan recorded Romney's off air conversation will hurt him more than it helped him. I'm not really trying to push the transcript, because I think it will help Romney. I'm trying to push it because people are going to lie, misrepresent, and oversimplify what happened in that booth. While Mark spent all day spinning his thoughts about what Romney said, and inserting himself into the story, I spent most of the day transcribing what actually happened. Who spent their time better? Me or Mark?

Who cares what Mark thinks about what happened. I think it is more important that we first nail down the facts of what happened, so please watch the video, one more time and help me correct any mistakes in the transcript.

It will be a good use of your time.

(see previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about)

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