May 17, 2007

Abortion Questions for Romney

  1. So do you now believe that abortion is murder ? (Stephanopoulos)
  2. should women who have abortions and doctors who perform them be jailed ? (Stephanopoulos)
  3. if it's killing, why should states have leeway ? (Stephanopoulos)
  4. what do you believe the punishment should be for an abortion ? (Stephanopoulos)
  5. Have you changed your opinion on Abortion ? (Blitzer)
  6. What is your current position on abortion ? (Blitzer)
  7. How do you account for your change on abortion ? (Katherine Jean Lopez)
  8. Were you faking it when you said you were pro-choice ? (Katherine Jean Lopez)
  9. Do you support making abortion illegal? (Dan Balz, David S Broder and Ruth Marcus)
  10. What do you think about the partial-birth abortion ban ? (Mary Katharine Ham)
  11. What policies would you initiate to show your sincerity ? (Mike Allen)
  12. Would it be a good day for America if Roe v Wade was repealed ? (1st Debate)
  13. Have you always been for life or effectively pro-choice ? (1st Debate)
  14. When you said that being a pro-life president entails more than just appointing strict constructionist judges, was that directed at Giuliani ? (1st Debate)
  15. What would you say to someone who lost a wife or a daughter to an illegal abortion if you named the Supreme Court justice who tipped the balance and over turned Roe v Wade ? (2nd Debate)
  16. Governor Romney, during this campaign, you have been criticized -- and again tonight you've been criticized -- for changing your position on some issues. You say that it's a part of learning from experience. Can you point to an area in which your learning from experience led you to change to a position that is less popular with the Republican base ? (2nd Debate)

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