Dec 11, 2006

From Nathan

Dear Americans for Mitt Members,


As you may have noticed, there has been an onslaught of misleading attacks on Governor Romney's record over the past few days.   The folks over at have done a great job of responding to the allegations.  Give them a visit and check out all the great information they provide.  Yours truly got involved by responding to a specific attack from a group called Right March PAC:


Also, Warren Bell, a contributor on National Review Online, offers his recap of a Romney event last night.  Further proof that when people get to know Governor Romney, they like him! Check it out here:


If he's really on the verge of being"S-MITT-EN", shouldn't he check out our Smitten Store?


GOPBLOGGERS have launched another version of their 2008 GOP Primary Straw Poll.   Governor Romney has done very well in this poll in the past, so give them a visit and vote for Mitt:


Additional links to recent articles are below.  Remember to visit for all the latest news, articles, and updates!  And please encourage your family and friends to join our e-mail list!



Nathan Burd



Mister PowerPoint Goes to Washington:


2008 Hopefuls Wooing Bush Network:


Romney in Beijing:

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