From David Kim

As we approach the primary voting season, there are more and more new folks finding their way to our humble blog. The information I found on this blog was extremely helpful to me as I assessed the various candidates in search of "the One." As such, I thought it would be fitting for me to share why I am a staunch supporter of Governor Mitt Romney in his run for the White House.

In a nutshell, Mitt Romney is the only "full-spectrum" Conservative who can rally the support of all three wings of the Reagan coalition, namely, Social, Economic, and Foreign Policy Conservatives.

For a full treatment of Mitt Romney's positions, I would refer you to his comprehensive policy book "Vision for a Strong America." Let me summarize here, however, the highlights across the major issues:

Foreign Policy
o War against Islamic Fascism: We are engaged in a multi-front war which will require using all of our military, economic, and diplomatic might to win; we must defeat the terrorists and those who aid and abet them as well as help the Muslim people enter the 21st century (click here and here )
o Iraq and Afghanistan: The surge is working and we must do what it takes to help Iraq and Afghanistan become stable democratic allies in the war on Islamic Fascism and support our troops (click here and here )
o Iran: Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear state; diplomacy and economic sanctions are critical, but may not be enough; the military option must remain on the table (click here)
o Military: Need to increase defense spending to a minimum of 4% of GDP to make sure our armed forces have the equipment they need in the field and the support the need back home; the best ally of peace is a strong America (click here and here )

Economic Policy
o Taxes: We need to keep the Bush tax cuts permanent, eliminate the Death Tax, and cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, and interest to zero for the Middle Class (click here, and here )
o Spending: We need to restrain Federal spending and close the deficit; will veto any budget where non-defense discretionary spending growth exceeds inflation minus 1%; Need to give the President a line-item veto; Strong track record of financial management from Massachusetts where he closed a $3B deficit and turned it into a $1B surplus without raising taxes; carry out a comprehensive review of government spending to increase efficiency and effectiveness (click here and here )
o Entitlements reform: Maintain benefits for current Seniors, but institute fundamental reforms combining slowing the rate of increase for benefits based on income, extending the retirement age, individual retirement accounts, and no tax increases (click here)
o Healthcare: Mitt Romney is the only candidate on either side of the aisle who implemented a universal health care plan; He covered all of the citizens of Massachusetts using market-based insurance without raising taxes; Governor Romney advocates a Federalist state-by-state approach to make health insurance more affordable for everyone (click here)
o Globalization: Continue to trade around the world but make sure we negotiate level playing fields in foreign markets and upgrade American competitiveness through investments in education and innovation (click here and here )

Culture and Values
o Illegal immigration: Control the border first and turn of the "magnets" that attract illegal immigrants by implementing an employment verification system, no special path for illegal immigrants to become citizens ( i.e. no amnesty), no sanctuary cities, increased enforcement by local police agencies (click here, here, and here)
o Traditional marriage: In favor of amending the constitution to keep marriage defined as between a man and a woman; fought the Massachusetts Supreme Court to prevent the state from becoming a destination for same-sex couples looking for marriage licenses (click here and here and here)
o Life: Much has been made of Governor Romney's switch from being Pro-Abortion to Pro-Life; This is a critical issue for me; I have heard many times why he made this change, and I believe him; I believe that Mitt Romney will fight for the rights of the unborn and be a great leader in supporting Life (click here, here , and here)

The choice of a nominee and President, however, is not strictly a "right-brained" decision based on policy statements and positions. There needs to be something inspirational about a candidate whether it's the way that they speak to a crowd, interact one on one, or something about their personal story that sets them apart.

Experiencing Mitt through articles and videos really helped seal the deal for me. Below, I have listed some of what I would consider the best of the best articles and videos that helped me come to the decision to support Mitt actively. I'm sure I'm missing some great material, but there is a lot down below. I would encourage you to click through as much of this as you can, and if you have a favorite that wasn't listed, please leave a link in the comments!

Key videos, speeches, appearances, and articles:
o Romney to the Rescue (Newsmax) – Great overview of Mitt Romney
o National Review's endorsement of Mitt Romney
o The House that Mitt Built (Private Equity International) – Behind the scenes view of how Mitt ran Bain Capital and his leadership style
o The Making of Mitt Romney (Boston Globe) – Reasonably balanced biography of each of the major phases of Mitt's life starting from his youth through today
o Consultant in Chief (Wall Street Journal) – Interview of Mitt where he talks about how he would fix the Federal Government
o For Romney & Company, Campaign is all Business (NY Times) – How Mitt runs his campaign and what it would mean for his Presidency
o Evangelicals for Mitt statement of support
o Mark DeMoss on why Evangelicals should support Mitt
o Ann Romney Opens Up (People Magazine) – Great interview with Ann; she would be a fantastic First Lady!

o "Faith in America" – Seminal address on the role of religious faith and liberty in our nation
o Address to the Value Voters Summit – Seminal address on culture and value issues
o Iowa Straw Poll victory speech
o Highlights from the Republican debates (click 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th)
o Speech at CPAC 2007 – One of Mitt's first major addresses to the leading grassroots gathering of Conservatives; one of his best speeches in my opinion
o Presidential Campaign Announcement – Mitt announcing that he's running and why he's running

Campaign videos
o Biographical overview video of Mitt Romney (click part I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII )
o "Path to Victory" webcast – Mitt and Meg Whitman (CEO of eBay) discussing the 2007 campaign and discussing the plan for 2008
o Retrospective of Governor Romney's campaign in 2007
o Online "Ask Mitt Anything" – For those of us who don't live in an early primary state, Mitt held an online town hall meeting which provides a really good overview of his key positions
o Christmas 2006 – Behind the scenes look at the Romney family and how they made the decision together that Mitt should run for President; cynics have criticized this video as contrived, but I love the fact that he has held his family together while achieving such exceptional success; you can't fake this stuff

Media appearances
o Mitt on Jim Cramer of CNBC's Mad Money – Great interview by Jim Cramer where he calls Mitt the "Best businessman in America"
o Mitt on ABC News talking about Ann – Great interview of Mitt where he discusses what he loves so much about Ann
o Mitt on Meet the Press – Tim Russert throws everything he's got plus the kitchen sink at Mitt who proceeds to address each point in a clear, classy, and compelling way

My favorite TV spots
o "Searched" – Compelling true story of how Mitt Romney shut down Bain Capital and moved all the employees to NYC to search for and find the daughter of one of his partners
o "Choice: Judgment" – Striking contrast ad highlighting Mike Huckabee's 1,033 pardons and clemencies (more than 2x his three predecessors) vs. zero from Mitt Romney
o "Choice: The Record" – Ad contrasting Mitt's record on illegal immigration vs. Mike Huckabee's record of supporting tax payer funded scholarships and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants
o "Not Politically Correct" – Mitt's record supporting life, English immersion education, and traditional marriage
o "Experience Matters" – Ad highlighting the lack of real world, executive experience on the part of Hillary Clinton (and equally applicable to the other Democrats)
o "Ready for Action" – Summary of Governor Romney's stump speech in 60 seconds; user-generated ad based on a contest that was run back in September
o "Our Home" – Some precious footage of Mitt playing with his children and grandchildren; focuses on the importance of strengthening our families
o "Leadership" and "Energy" – I just love the images of Mitt jogging through the backwoods and the focus on his track record in business; I think he's the only politician I've seen jogging where it looked like he was actually in shape…not just a photo op
o "Ocean" – Ad lamenting the degradation of our culture and Mitt's thoughts on how he would like to address it; as a parent this one really resonated with me
o "Tested, Proven" – One of his early ads highlighting his track record in Massachusetts
o "I Like Vetoes" – Ad highlights his track record of vetoing excessive spending; no doubt in my mind that he'll control spending after seeing this ad and other times when he has addressed this topic

Finally, it is one thing to support Mitt with your vote, but I'd like to ask you to consider supporting Mitt in a more active way. Like many of you, I had always followed politics, but never became active in politics (other than voting) until this year in support of Governor Romney.

This year is different. First, this is arguably the most consequential election in over twenty years. The challenges and issues that will be faced by our next President will have far reaching ramifications for our children and grandchildren.

Additionally, we face a set of candidates on the Republican side who represent vastly different positions and perspectives, some of whom threaten to tear asunder the Reagan coalition that has served us so well . Whether it is the socially liberal and sanctuary city defending Rudy Giuliani, the divisive, theocratic, soft on crime and illegal immigration, and fiscally populist Mike Huckabee, or the McCain Feingold, "Gang of 14", and pro-Amnesty John McCain, there are clear differences in the way that each of these individuals would take the Republican Party.

If you've found this persuasive, please do whatever you can to support Mitt Romney's candidacy. If you're from Iowa, please caucus for Mitt ( get more information here). Winning Iowa is job one between now and January 3.

If you are not from Iowa, please stay informed by checking in here at Elect Romney in 2008 every day. Make a donation to help Mitt win the media air war. Put on a bumper sticker or put up a yard sign ( get them here). And most importantly, talk with your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors about why you're supporting Mitt Romney! Personal testimonials from trusted individuals are by far the most effective ways to gain more supporters for Mitt!

If you still have questions or remain unconvinced, leave a comment and we'll do our best to answer your question. Or better yet, if you are also a Mitt supporter, leave a comment telling us why! Thank you for reading!

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